This restorative pose is great to do in bed before you go to sleep.
It creates a wonderful transition from a busy mind, into a relaxed and spacious state for sleep.
Also good to do upon waking.
Relax into Supported Fish for 5 to 10 minutes with deep breathing.
Use a cushion or bed pillow (pillow may be folded in half) as a support 2.
Lay over the support with your shoulders at the top of the pillow and your head off of the pillow (pillow is under your shoulder blades and upper back so you are gently arching over it) 3.
Position arms 45' from your body (or hands about 2 feet away from hips).
Palms face upward in a posture of receptivity 4.
Breathe deeply with long exhalations through the nose (Dirgha 3-Part Breath if you know it) 5.
To come out, roll to your side and rest, remove pillow and lie flat on your back to feel the effects Benefits: - Opens chest muscles, intercostals between the ribs thereby increasing lung capacity and energy - Softens and shortens muscles between the shoulder blades and after 90 seconds, the nervous system relays the message to the muscles to let go (this is a Positional Release technique) - Releases tension in jaw, neck, shoulders, and upper back.
- Opens heart chakra energy center to receive joy - Improves posture, especially shoulders rolling forward and forward syndrome - Brings muscles back to their natural position - Stimulates the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands - Activation of thymus gland stimulates the body's immune function - Great for upper back, neck and shoulder pain - Yogic text states that Matsyasana is the "destroyer of all diseases"
It creates a wonderful transition from a busy mind, into a relaxed and spacious state for sleep.
Also good to do upon waking.
Relax into Supported Fish for 5 to 10 minutes with deep breathing.
Use a cushion or bed pillow (pillow may be folded in half) as a support 2.
Lay over the support with your shoulders at the top of the pillow and your head off of the pillow (pillow is under your shoulder blades and upper back so you are gently arching over it) 3.
Position arms 45' from your body (or hands about 2 feet away from hips).
Palms face upward in a posture of receptivity 4.
Breathe deeply with long exhalations through the nose (Dirgha 3-Part Breath if you know it) 5.
To come out, roll to your side and rest, remove pillow and lie flat on your back to feel the effects Benefits: - Opens chest muscles, intercostals between the ribs thereby increasing lung capacity and energy - Softens and shortens muscles between the shoulder blades and after 90 seconds, the nervous system relays the message to the muscles to let go (this is a Positional Release technique) - Releases tension in jaw, neck, shoulders, and upper back.
- Opens heart chakra energy center to receive joy - Improves posture, especially shoulders rolling forward and forward syndrome - Brings muscles back to their natural position - Stimulates the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands - Activation of thymus gland stimulates the body's immune function - Great for upper back, neck and shoulder pain - Yogic text states that Matsyasana is the "destroyer of all diseases"