Business & Finance Corporations

Conscious Entrepreneur -Believe in Your Power to Transform the World

What would it take for you to BELIEVE you can truly transform the world? No matter what business you're in, no matter where you live, no matter what challenge you may be facing right now...
you absolutely stand in a place of power to positively transform the world.
And, if you're saying to yourself, "Yeah, that's easy for you to say, Christine, but you don't know what I'm going through.
" I assure you, I understand because I've been there.
I know what it's like to believe in your ability to transform yourself (and others) when it appears that nothing is going your way.
Remind yourself of the fact that being alive right now, as the unique being that you are, is a miracle in and of itself! The moment you were conceived you were a miracle, and you continue to be...
no matter what may be going on in the world around you.
The reality you live in depends heavily on the conversations that occur in your mind.
Your level of belief in yourself (and the power you possess to make a real difference in the world) exists in your mind as well.
So, here are some ways you can increase your belief in your ability to transform the world.
Keep in mind, when you think of "the world" remember you don't have to transform every single person on the planet, but you do need to impact those in YOUR world.
1) Remember Your Accomplishments.
One of the best things you can do to establish deeper belief in yourself, and your abilities, is to remember your past accomplishments.
Take out a piece of paper, grab a pen and begin to list your accomplishments right now.
What success have you experienced in your business, your relationships, your education, your friendships, your family, with your clients, your mindset, your personal goals, your partnerships, your masterminds, etc.
Everything counts! So, start your list now and keep adding to it.
This exercise will help you stay in a higher vibration so you can continue to do what you're here to do...
and continue to impact lives.
2) Remember The Difference You've Already Made.
This is another terrific "list" exercise that connects you with the difference you've already made in the lives of others.
Whenever you doubt the power you have to create positive change, recall those moments in which you KNEW, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you made a difference.
Right now, think about those experiences you've had with a client where you knew you made a difference.
Perhaps you saw it in their eyes, heard it in their voice, or read it in their words.
Then, keep this list handy and read it often.
For me, when I need a reminder, I read my Amazon.
com book reviews for The Freedom Formula.
It's an instant connection right back to the impact my book is having on readers worldwide.
For you, it may be going to your "brag file," or reading a note from a client or testimonials on your own website.
Whatever it is for you, anytime you feel your doubt waiver...
remember the difference you've already made and it will help you make a bigger difference in the days, months and years to come.
3) Remember Your Higher Purpose.
This strategy invites you to elevate your perspective of why you're here, living on the planet at this critical point in time.
You are here to wake up and help others wake up to the new world that is emerging right now.
You chose to be here at this important time because you have a unique purpose to fulfill in helping others to heal, grow, transform, evolve, and become all that they were meant to be.
Your purpose may be showing up as a gentle whisper or a booming voice...
but it is clear that you are here to be a force for positive change in the world.
So, remember your purpose (even if it's not crystal clear yet) and let that carry you into deeper and deeper belief in the role you have to play in transforming the world.
These three strategies are essential for staying on track with your dreams and being a CAUSE for positive change in the world.
Doubt and fear will likely surface as you take bigger and bolder steps in your business to create more transformation for others.
But, not to worry...
when you come back to these strategies, you'll realize that nothing can keep you from doing what you're here to do.
And so it is...
Copyright (c) 2008 Christine Kloser
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