I've been a freelance writer since 1993, and starting "writing for SEO" (providing SEO content for online businesses) in 2007.
In 2008, I formed a full-service SEO writing company.
Hence, I receive a lot of questions about this niche in freelance writing.
Most of them center around the question, "Is this still a good profession to get into?" FYI, in case you don't know, SEO is the acronym for search engine optimization.
SEO Content Writing: Who's Curious about This Profession The types of people who ask me about this type of writing generally fall into three categories: (i) New/aspiring freelance writers; (ii) Experienced freelance writers who want to expand their service offerings; and (iii) Professionals seeking a career transition, eg, because they've been laid off, don't like their jobs and/or are just looking for something new.
A Little Info about SEO Writers As an aside, SEO content writers are referred to by a variety of titles, eg, SEO article writers, web content writers, SEO copywriters, etc.
They produce all kinds of copy - from SEO press releases, to blog posts, to web articles.
Now that you have some foundational information, let's explore three of the main reasons SEO writing is one of the best, recession-proof career options in 2013.
This Niche of Freelance Writing Pays Very Well: According to a 2012 survey by Robert Half, one of the largest staffing agencies in the world, salaries range from the mid-40s ($45,000) to just over $90,000 per year.
The study stated:
You Can Train for It in Record Time: I'm a self-taught web content writer.
But, there are SEO courses where you can learn everything you need to know in as little as a few days or a few weeks.
A Word of Caution about Learning SEO While it's not difficult to learn the concepts of this form of online writing, you do have to stay abreast of the changes in it.
This is because search giants like Google change their algorithms all the time.
This affects how SEO writers produce content.
So, it's an ongoing education; it's not like you can just take one class and know everything you need to know from now on.
You Can Start for $0: Want to start a home-based business doing this kind of freelance writing? If you're like most and have a computer and an internet connection,you're basically in business.
I started my SEO writing company from home for $0.
I already had a laptop and internet access at home.
And, since I knew how to build simple websites, I created one and within a week, I was in business.
Because SEO writing is such a needed service, within a few months, I was so inundated with work that I had to hire other freelance writers to help me out.
Conclusion: Starting a Home-Based SEO Writing Business There's a lot of work for freelance SEO writers who want to work from home - if your services are reasonably priced, you can produce good content, and are able to adhere to client deadlines.
And, by offering your clients complementary services like social media account management and article distribution, you can significantly increase your income.
In 2008, I formed a full-service SEO writing company.
Hence, I receive a lot of questions about this niche in freelance writing.
Most of them center around the question, "Is this still a good profession to get into?" FYI, in case you don't know, SEO is the acronym for search engine optimization.
SEO Content Writing: Who's Curious about This Profession The types of people who ask me about this type of writing generally fall into three categories: (i) New/aspiring freelance writers; (ii) Experienced freelance writers who want to expand their service offerings; and (iii) Professionals seeking a career transition, eg, because they've been laid off, don't like their jobs and/or are just looking for something new.
A Little Info about SEO Writers As an aside, SEO content writers are referred to by a variety of titles, eg, SEO article writers, web content writers, SEO copywriters, etc.
They produce all kinds of copy - from SEO press releases, to blog posts, to web articles.
Now that you have some foundational information, let's explore three of the main reasons SEO writing is one of the best, recession-proof career options in 2013.
This Niche of Freelance Writing Pays Very Well: According to a 2012 survey by Robert Half, one of the largest staffing agencies in the world, salaries range from the mid-40s ($45,000) to just over $90,000 per year.
The study stated:
Web content writers with five or more years experience can expect a salary range of between $60,500 and $90,750, while those with less than five years experience should receive something in the range of $45,250 and $66,250.II.
You Can Train for It in Record Time: I'm a self-taught web content writer.
But, there are SEO courses where you can learn everything you need to know in as little as a few days or a few weeks.
A Word of Caution about Learning SEO While it's not difficult to learn the concepts of this form of online writing, you do have to stay abreast of the changes in it.
This is because search giants like Google change their algorithms all the time.
This affects how SEO writers produce content.
So, it's an ongoing education; it's not like you can just take one class and know everything you need to know from now on.
You Can Start for $0: Want to start a home-based business doing this kind of freelance writing? If you're like most and have a computer and an internet connection,you're basically in business.
I started my SEO writing company from home for $0.
I already had a laptop and internet access at home.
And, since I knew how to build simple websites, I created one and within a week, I was in business.
Because SEO writing is such a needed service, within a few months, I was so inundated with work that I had to hire other freelance writers to help me out.
Conclusion: Starting a Home-Based SEO Writing Business There's a lot of work for freelance SEO writers who want to work from home - if your services are reasonably priced, you can produce good content, and are able to adhere to client deadlines.
And, by offering your clients complementary services like social media account management and article distribution, you can significantly increase your income.