Business & Finance Corporations

Success Strategies - How to Avoid Burnout (Whether From Success Or Failure!)

Do you ever find yourself working non-stop for either success or even for failure.
Now when I say failure, I don't mean you are intentionally working to fail, but you find yourself caught in a spiral of activity that isn't producing the desired results yet you are unable to stop, reassess, refocus, and redirect your energies.
Do you know what I mean?    There are four critical actions to take during this time.
These actions will allow you the essential opportunity to relax, recharge, refocus, redirect, and remake your success plan.
They will help you to avoid burnout or recover from it when you are already in the thick of it.
  #1 Disconnect Completely  This is scary for many business owners but necessary.
  Whether you will brave it for a weekend or a week, literally turning off your cell phone, and closing the laptop completely ceasing business communications for 2 days to 14 days will make an enormous difference.
Now, if you simply put an out of office message on both you will be inundated when you return and go through the anxiety of catching up.
Instead I recommend your message share that you are out of reach and will not be checking messages left or emails delivered.
Request that anyone who has a real need to contact you do so again once you are reconnected.
This means you can delete (yes, I did actually say that!) all messages by voicemail and email that come in, knowing that when it is important enough whomever it is will be back in touch.
Try it, it is very freeing.
  #2 Focus on Your Successes  Too often as business owners we focus on what we didn't get done, what got left unfinished, loose ends and more.
  In my mentoring, I have created a progress report that starts with what my clients have accomplished in the last two weeks.
  This reinforces your sense of progress, direction, focus, and achievement.
Every time you are tempted to be swallowed by the black hole of incompletes, look instead at your list of completes, your list of successes!  #3 Create a Goal You Can't Achieve Alone Many of us approach business as "lone rangers" thinking we have to do it all, achieve it all, and tackle it all solo.
That simply isn't true and when you stop and go beyond your own boundaries and limitations, creating goals and experiences (my preferred terminology) that require teamwork, you will find your life that much richer.
For example my desired experiences (aka goals) by 2020 include: 
  • Showing 500K creativepreneurs*how to achieve unlimited prosperity by designing their own success, taking them from a "getting by" mindset to a making more, havingmore, giving more consciousness.
  • Revolutionizing the homeand lifestyle industry with marketing methods that are new, now andtomorrow and create lifelong demand among consumers for lifetime successby creativepreneurs*
  • Hosting semi- annual retreatsfor six figure creativepreneurs* featuring luxurious adventure thatpushes them to dream bigger, live larger, and give more.
  • Creating a charitable foundationto serve creativepreneurs* globally in realizing their dreams of successbased on their unique talents, big dreams, and life changing visions.
     Each creativepreneurs* benefiting from the fund will in turn be committedto giving back, creating an endless cycle of renewing, reviving, andrecharging the dreams, lives, and success of creatives worldwide.
#4 Rediscover Your Fun Side   This is about going for a hike, relaxing on the back deck with friends, gardening, entertaining family, travel, or skydiving or doing anything you find fun on a regular basis.
Fun needs to become a part of your life's routine.
Too often we get swallowed by our work and forget that the definition of a successful business is one that enables you to enjoy the whole of your life, NOT one that swallows you whole.
I adventure deliberately to push me out of my business side, my head side, and into another part of myself.
This recharges me and inspires me.
What inspires and recharges you?
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