Here are some proven keys to success and why they work: 1.
Attitude -Your attitude speaks louder than any words you say.
Are you approaching your work and your family with a positive attitude? Consider the difference in results those times you have approached a conversation, meeting or presentation feeling good, with a hop in your step, and then consider those times you were dreading, the encounter, forcing yourself to go through with it.
Your attitude affects your behavior which affects your results.
Positive attitude - Positive Behaviors - Positive results.
Consistency - People like to do business with those whom they like and trust.
Your consistency and reliable behavior may just win them over.
Show up on time, be present in conversations, and actively listen.
When people realize that you can be counted on to be there, whether they need you or not, they will begin to look for you when they really need you.
Perseverance - Most successful entrepreneurs and leaders failed many times before they hit it big.
Your moment may be in the next phone call.
Track your success.
If it takes ten calls to generate one meeting, recognize that means nine of them will not.
Integrate some of the reasons you are not being successful into your process, and keep at it.
It is all part of the process.
Intuition - It is true that our gut is often correct.
If your intuition is pulling you strongly, do not discount it.
Our gut feelings are the result of our brain putting all our past experiences together, with remarkable speed and giving us an answer.
Admittedly, some of your past decisions and experiences may need to be improved, but what your gut says should be one of the factors you consider in decision making.
Knowledgeable - Know your industry, your clients, and what is important to them.
Use the internet, your friends and colleagues, and even the library to make yourself smarter.
With all the resources available in split seconds today you can learn a lot in a short time.
Your ability to provide support in a timely manner will increase.
Your customers will appreciate that.
They will recognize that you placed some importance in them if you know something about them and their company before you meet.
Those who are not your customers will be soon.
Excellence - A commitment to mediocrity will get you to mediocre - maybe.
Strive for excellence in all you do.
We are never more than the goals we set.
Embrace change as a way to consistently improve who you are and what you do in an ongoing manner.
Always Aspire Higher.
There are few reasons that each of us cannot be successful, and have those things we dream about.
Make a commitment to apply these six principals for six days.
Evaluate your results.
Most will find that they are closer to achieving the excellence they set for themselves less than a week before.
After that success, try applying them for six months.
You might be amazed at what you can do.
Attitude -Your attitude speaks louder than any words you say.
Are you approaching your work and your family with a positive attitude? Consider the difference in results those times you have approached a conversation, meeting or presentation feeling good, with a hop in your step, and then consider those times you were dreading, the encounter, forcing yourself to go through with it.
Your attitude affects your behavior which affects your results.
Positive attitude - Positive Behaviors - Positive results.
Consistency - People like to do business with those whom they like and trust.
Your consistency and reliable behavior may just win them over.
Show up on time, be present in conversations, and actively listen.
When people realize that you can be counted on to be there, whether they need you or not, they will begin to look for you when they really need you.
Perseverance - Most successful entrepreneurs and leaders failed many times before they hit it big.
Your moment may be in the next phone call.
Track your success.
If it takes ten calls to generate one meeting, recognize that means nine of them will not.
Integrate some of the reasons you are not being successful into your process, and keep at it.
It is all part of the process.
Intuition - It is true that our gut is often correct.
If your intuition is pulling you strongly, do not discount it.
Our gut feelings are the result of our brain putting all our past experiences together, with remarkable speed and giving us an answer.
Admittedly, some of your past decisions and experiences may need to be improved, but what your gut says should be one of the factors you consider in decision making.
Knowledgeable - Know your industry, your clients, and what is important to them.
Use the internet, your friends and colleagues, and even the library to make yourself smarter.
With all the resources available in split seconds today you can learn a lot in a short time.
Your ability to provide support in a timely manner will increase.
Your customers will appreciate that.
They will recognize that you placed some importance in them if you know something about them and their company before you meet.
Those who are not your customers will be soon.
Excellence - A commitment to mediocrity will get you to mediocre - maybe.
Strive for excellence in all you do.
We are never more than the goals we set.
Embrace change as a way to consistently improve who you are and what you do in an ongoing manner.
Always Aspire Higher.
There are few reasons that each of us cannot be successful, and have those things we dream about.
Make a commitment to apply these six principals for six days.
Evaluate your results.
Most will find that they are closer to achieving the excellence they set for themselves less than a week before.
After that success, try applying them for six months.
You might be amazed at what you can do.