Insurance Health Insurance

Three Tips For Finding Affordable Health Insurance Today

Finding affordable health insurance is becoming more and more difficult to do these days, for both individual and family plans.
Because of the costs involved there are now many small businesses that used to offer health benefits to their employees that are no longer able to do so.
This has left many people with any affordable health insurance options, other than trying their luck in the private market, which is quite expensive for a decent policy.
Here are a few tips that may help you to find a health insurance plan that you can fit into your budget.
Raise your annual deductible amount.
I realize that this is difficult to do and will potentially mean more out of pocket expenses for you, however, it will still provide you with some major protection in the event of a major medical need and long hospital stay.
Cut corners on the amount of protection your policy offers.
This basically means that you can reduce the coverage amounts.
Of course, if there is any other way around this then by all means don't do it, but if it's a matter of reducing your coverage amounts and not having any health insurance protection at all I'd seriously consider reducing my coverage.
Consider joining a discount medical plan.
There are now health plans that offer substantial discounts on medical care, just like discount dental plans.
You simply pay the cost of joining the plan and then visit a doctor within the network in order to receive your discount.
You pay the doctor in full at the time of your appointment.
The Pro's of this type of plan is that because it isn't insurance there aren't many medical restrictions.
This means that if you are diabetic, HIV positive, have cancer are uninsurable because of your weight or whatever other condition you can be seen and receive a discount on your care.
The Con's of this type of plan is that you must pay for each visit in full at the time of your appointment.
Also, most of these companies require very good credit to qualify and WILL do a credit check on you, so be prepared.
If you are currently looking for affordable health insurance you may want to give any or all of these suggestions a try.
It's definitely better to have some protection than none at all.
Good luck.
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