Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing


These letters will sell for you. Choose those which are
applicable to your own business. Alter them only to such an
extent as to accord with the products and services you have to
sell. It will also pay YOU [] to study them all, for they all
contain the essential elements that enter into every successful
sales letter. They contain ideas that you may apply
successfully in sales letters of your own dictation.



Sports articles are notably successful in mail selling, where
you can get lists of people interested in any particular sport.
Fishing tackle, golf clubs and balls, tennis racquets and a host
of other products have been successfully sold by mail. There is
even a concern in Baltimore which sells fine saddlery by mail
and has built a surprisingly profitable business.

Here is a letter that sold Field Glasses by mail, and sold them
in goodly quantities. Its basic idea is just as applicable to
dozens of other products that appeal to all sportsmen.


Now the Far Distances are Yours

Dear Friend:

Here is a wonderful way to add to the enjoyment of your trips,
to give you "ring side" seats at every sporting event, to bring
anything you want to see within a few feet of you MULTIPLYING

Four-Mile Eyes - that is what they give you, spanning distances
like the fabled seven-league boots of childhood. For the
hunter, they are a necessity. For the tourist or traveler, they
add a zest that doubles the enjoyment of sightseeing. For those
who love sports, they make a nearby window or hilltop as
desirable as the most expensive "ring side" seat.

Yet for a little while, they can be had FOR LESS THAN THE COST

You see, the finest glasses in the world are made in Central
Europe. And you know how conditions have been over there - many
highly skilled artisans getting lenses for a month's toil than
they would for a single day's work here. The result? Bargains
as you will never get again. Bargains such as we never dreamed
of being able to offer in Fine Field Glasses. Prices are higher
over there now and are stiffening rapidly, but up to a few weeks
ago, you could get the finest achromatic day and night lenses at
figures so ridiculously low as to seem like a gift.

We had a lot of extra powerful Officer's Field Glasses shipped
to us at those prices a month ago. They have just been unpacked
and gone over, and they are beauties. Filled with specially
large achromatic day and night lens, and equipped with compass
and focusing scale. They are the most powerful glasses of the
kind we have ever seen at anywhere near the price.

I have a pair on my desk before me as I write, and through them
I can mount the high tension wires on a hill a couple of miles
east of here, and through these glasses, I can watch every move
of the builders. If they were football players, I could see
them better than from the choicest seat.

And the reason? These glasses were made for the use of Army
Officers, and they had to be good. They are the only 8-lens
Galilean Field Glass with compass and leather case that sell for
less than $30.00!

SEND NO MONEY! Just your name and address on the enclosed card
will bring a pair of these extra-powerful, *-lens Officer's
Field Glasses to you at our risk, our expense, TRY them! Test
them against the finest glasses you can find selling at $30.00
to $40.00 a pair. If these are not clear, stronger, more
satisfactory in every way, send them back. If you are willing
to part with them for any reason, send them back. Otherwise,
$7.95 makes them your own, an endless source of pleasure and
usefulness. On that understanding, will you TRY a pair of these
Magic Eyes? With that distinct agreement, will you put your
name on the enclosed card, and mail it NOW? You will never have
another such opportunity.


Please go to


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