Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Infrared Light Therapy For Pain Relief and Skin Care

As the name itself reveals, infrared light therapy utilizes the benefits offered by light exposure. Its application is commonly employed for certain skin problems and joint and muscle pains. It's been used by experts for several years now, and it's a procedure that's non-invasive and produces practically no pain. The effects, as reported by patients themselves, can be enjoyed right away, and for long periods of time.

The procedure takes on the principles of photo stimulation. This is due to the fact that cells or tissues of the body react naturally to sunlight exposure. One of the effects that takes place soon after is increased blood circulation to the exposed areas. Also, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production is increased. ATP is the major energy source of cellular processes going on inside the body.

But frequent or constant exposure to sunlight has its downsides. That's because of the presence of harmful UV rays in it. And it's between 10 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon that UV rays are at their worst. Some ill effects to the skin include dryness, wrinkling, discoloration and even cancer! That's why you're always told by experts to minimize sun exposure, as well as use sunblock with SPF protection.

But the use of infrared light is a completely different story. It brings about the positive effects of sunlight exposure, but minus all the negative effects. Usually, a therapy session involves specialized LED, or light emitting diodes, lamps. That's why some facilities even refer to it as LED therapy. The light produced can penetrate deep into the skin, up to about 1.2 inches from the surface.

Since it helps enhance blood flow to areas of your body exposed to the light, more nutrients and fresh oxygen gets to it. And it's what makes it beneficial for healing certain injuries to the skin. Burns and wounds can heal at a much faster rate when regularly exposed to the light. Such is particularly beneficial for diabetics who usually have a hard time healing their wounds.

There are many facial treatment clinics these days that also make use of the technology. Persons afflicted with acne can take advantage of its benefits. The light has some antibacterial properties, which eliminates pimple-causing bacteria in the skin's pores. Additionally, collagen production is enhanced. Collagen is a protein type that's fibrous, and helps keep the skin smooth and elastic. With sufficient collagen, scarring caused by acne can be minimized.

Individuals with muscle and joint pains can benefit as well. That's because of the light's ability to boost blood supply to exposed parts of the body. And because there's increased supply of oxygen and nutrients, recovery can be achieved quicker. Sprains, torn ligaments and other similar injuries can be healed faster too.

A new type of sauna is gaining more and more popularity these days. And it's using the same principles and offers the same benefits as with infrared light therapy. Unlike a conventional sauna, it's cooler inside so there's a more comfortable environment. Toxin accumulation via the skin and immune system boost can be enjoyed. Pain in the joints and muscles are relieved. Individuals who have tried it even claimed to have better energy levels, mood and good night's sleep.
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