Things You'll Need
1Place the safe exactly where you want it. With the safe door open, look inside and find the mounting holes that go through the bottom of the safe. With a pencil, make a circle inside each of the mounting holes to mark the location that you will drill the holes. Remove the safe from that location and set it aside. Use the studs provided by the safe manufacturer, or follow the safe manufacturer's instructions and use the correct size studs.
Depending on your mounting surface, use either the concrete drill bit or the wood drill bit, and drill the mounting holes vertically and to the precise measurements recommended on the package for the studs that you are inserting into the floor. Be certain that you follow directions from the safe manufacturer or on the package of the studs that you buy, because the holes that you drill will in all cases be smaller than the studs that you are putting in.
After drilling the hole, you will use a hammer to pound the Ramset stud into the concrete or use a wrench to screw the wood stud into the floor. Make sure that the studs that you put into the floor are vertical and that there is enough of the studs sticking out from the floor so they will enter the bottom of the safe.
Place the safe over the studs so that the studs protrude into the mounting holes on the bottom of the safe. Apply the nuts to the studs and tighten snugly so the safe cannot be moved. Most safe manufacturers provide decorative caps to put over the studs and nuts; if they have been provided, place over the studs and nuts.