Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

About Husky Puppies


    • Huskies are known for their striking blue or brown eyes that can be speckled. One interesting feature many husky puppies can possess is that each eye could be a different color. For instance, one eye is blue and the other is brown. Or one eye can be half one color and half another. The husky puppy coat is often white, brown, red or gray and can have different patterns and variations depending on the puppy's genetics. According to the Dog Owner's Guide website, full-grown female husky puppies weigh between 25 and 50 lbs., while the males weigh about 10 lbs. more. A husky puppy's weight varies, depending upon how old it is and how large its parents are.


    • The Dog Breed Info Center states that husky puppies are generally high-energy dogs that can become bored easily. They are also, however, gentle, loving, playful, social and docile. Husky puppies are typically dominant in nature and require owners who are willing to be the pack leaders. Husky puppies seek constant engagement and will often become destructive if bored.


    • Husky puppies are generally intelligent; however, they are sometimes difficult to train. This breed can be stubborn and will sometimes disobey their owners, especially if the owner hasn't established dominance over the puppy. According to the Dog Breed Info Center, husky puppies will take advantage of their owners unless they are firm and committed to being the dog's leader. Because of their destructive tendencies, many husky puppies benefit from being put in crates when left alone.


    • In order to become well-balanced and adjusted, husky puppies should receive a large amount of socialization with both humans and other animals. Husky puppy owners should take their pups to dog parks or obedience classes to provide interaction with other dogs. Husky puppy owners should also socialize them with people so that they aren't fearful of them as adults. Allow your puppy to play with and be petted by others.


    • According to the Dog Owner's Guide, you should never trust husky puppies in a non-enclosed area. Their innate need for exercise, along with their intense curiosity, often leads them to wander. Place yard fences at least 2 feet in the ground, as husky puppies, as well as adults, will often attempt to escape the yard by digging under the fence. Husky puppies should also receive substantial amounts of exercise to keep their minds and bodies occupied. Take your puppy on daily walks or jogs, stopping when the puppy seems tired or hot.

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