In recent years, the unity candle wedding ceremony has grown to be a popular way for couples to symbolize their unity.
But this tradition in the making currently has many variations, which is not a bad thing, because this way you can customize this ceremony to fit your tastes without worrying about breaking any wedding mores.
Probably the most popular unity candle ceremony is the one in which the bride and groom light two tapers and then take their individual tapers and together they light a middle one.
In this ceremony, the individual tapers can be lit at the beginning of the wedding and then the middle one can be lit at the end to signify the two coming together as one.
You can also do the entire ceremony at the end of the wedding if you do not want your individual tapers to get too drippy.
After this ceremony, you can blow out the individual tapers to symbolize that you are giving your whole self to your loved one, or you can leave them lit to show that you are committed to your partner but still retain your individual qualities.
The unity ceremony is also a great way to involve significant family members into the wedding ceremony.
This is an especially lovely way to include any children that the couple might have.
What happens is that the children light the individual tapers and then the couple takes those candles and light the center one with them.
This is a beautiful way to symbolize the unity of the entire family.
Sometimes couples like to include older relatives in this way as well, letting the mothers or grandparents light the individual tapers.
Some couples like to let the entire audience in on this ceremony by providing them with tapers as they enter, and then at the designated time, lighting the first guest's candle, and then letting that guest light the next one's, and so forth.
Once everyone's candle is lit, the bride and groom light the center candle.
Many couples also like to have what is called a family candle in their wedding.
The family candle can be lit either during the wedding or at the reception.
In this event, there are several candles surrounding a center one.
The family members light their individual tapers and then, together, light the center one.
There are many ways to perform this ceremony, and you can even come up with your own variation, in any case - it is a great way to include special people into your wedding and a lovely way to symbolize the love of two coming together as one.
But this tradition in the making currently has many variations, which is not a bad thing, because this way you can customize this ceremony to fit your tastes without worrying about breaking any wedding mores.
Probably the most popular unity candle ceremony is the one in which the bride and groom light two tapers and then take their individual tapers and together they light a middle one.
In this ceremony, the individual tapers can be lit at the beginning of the wedding and then the middle one can be lit at the end to signify the two coming together as one.
You can also do the entire ceremony at the end of the wedding if you do not want your individual tapers to get too drippy.
After this ceremony, you can blow out the individual tapers to symbolize that you are giving your whole self to your loved one, or you can leave them lit to show that you are committed to your partner but still retain your individual qualities.
The unity ceremony is also a great way to involve significant family members into the wedding ceremony.
This is an especially lovely way to include any children that the couple might have.
What happens is that the children light the individual tapers and then the couple takes those candles and light the center one with them.
This is a beautiful way to symbolize the unity of the entire family.
Sometimes couples like to include older relatives in this way as well, letting the mothers or grandparents light the individual tapers.
Some couples like to let the entire audience in on this ceremony by providing them with tapers as they enter, and then at the designated time, lighting the first guest's candle, and then letting that guest light the next one's, and so forth.
Once everyone's candle is lit, the bride and groom light the center candle.
Many couples also like to have what is called a family candle in their wedding.
The family candle can be lit either during the wedding or at the reception.
In this event, there are several candles surrounding a center one.
The family members light their individual tapers and then, together, light the center one.
There are many ways to perform this ceremony, and you can even come up with your own variation, in any case - it is a great way to include special people into your wedding and a lovely way to symbolize the love of two coming together as one.