As a Heart-Centered Entrepreneur, one of the key things in making the transition from selling to serving is connecting with your prospective clients on a heart level.
When this is done correctly, people will naturally feel compelled to hire you and buy your products without any pressure.
To do this requires a bit of preparation and creating what I call a "problem solution template".
Basically, this template will help you to get a very clear view of a client's problems and issues, from their own perspective, so that you can really help them find the solutions they so desire.
It will also help you to guide the client to a place where they will want to buy what you have, as it is the answer to their prayers.
This is not a sales pitch, a push strategy, or a pressure matrix, but a way for you to get inside the minds and hearts of your ideal clients and tap into their energy.
To begin with, you will want to start with an energy process.
Look deep within yourself and to Spirit and genuinely ask to tap into the heart of your ideal client or customer.
Listen and hear what they are saying, in their own voice, and create a chart that expresses both the problems and the solutions.
The first question to ask (notate in column 1) is "What is one problem that you have?" Follow this question up with an answer, just as you feel the client would respond.
This may be something like "I am overweight" or "I am in debt".
Be sure that the answer is clear, concise, and in the voice of your client.
In your second column, ask the question "What happens because of, or as the result of, this problem?" Again, follow with their answer.
In the example of being overweight, the answer may sound like "Because I am overweight, I never want to go out anywhere.
" OK, now on to column three.
Ask the question "How does that make you (the client) feel?" Their response, which you will write down next, might be "I feel sad" or "I feel insecure".
Do you see how each column drills down a bit deeper to the heart of the matter? Now that you have fully allowed the problem to be explored, use column four to begin presenting the solutions or answers.
Write down how you, your product, or service, can work together with the client to solve the problem.
So the "question" in this column is actually a solution, such as "I will teach you how to get clear as to what is holding you back from taking the actions that you already know you want to take, such as exercising, and then create a plan to support you!" This should then be followed, in the last column, by the client's voice expressing how they will feel once they have resolved their problem.
This, for example, can look like "I will feel excited about life!" or "I can see myself putting myself out there more in all that I do!" This "problem solution template" will not only allow you to hook up with clients on a heart level and connect with their energy, but it will also help you to express what you do and act as a conversational guide.
By having a way to easily explore the issues that people are facing, clients will feel that you really care about them.
They will sense the confidence in you and in your solution, and they will want to buy what you are offering! By creating an atmosphere of serving, you will be able to effectively compel prospective clients, at a heart level, to hire you and buy your products.
When this is done correctly, people will naturally feel compelled to hire you and buy your products without any pressure.
To do this requires a bit of preparation and creating what I call a "problem solution template".
Basically, this template will help you to get a very clear view of a client's problems and issues, from their own perspective, so that you can really help them find the solutions they so desire.
It will also help you to guide the client to a place where they will want to buy what you have, as it is the answer to their prayers.
This is not a sales pitch, a push strategy, or a pressure matrix, but a way for you to get inside the minds and hearts of your ideal clients and tap into their energy.
To begin with, you will want to start with an energy process.
Look deep within yourself and to Spirit and genuinely ask to tap into the heart of your ideal client or customer.
Listen and hear what they are saying, in their own voice, and create a chart that expresses both the problems and the solutions.
The first question to ask (notate in column 1) is "What is one problem that you have?" Follow this question up with an answer, just as you feel the client would respond.
This may be something like "I am overweight" or "I am in debt".
Be sure that the answer is clear, concise, and in the voice of your client.
In your second column, ask the question "What happens because of, or as the result of, this problem?" Again, follow with their answer.
In the example of being overweight, the answer may sound like "Because I am overweight, I never want to go out anywhere.
" OK, now on to column three.
Ask the question "How does that make you (the client) feel?" Their response, which you will write down next, might be "I feel sad" or "I feel insecure".
Do you see how each column drills down a bit deeper to the heart of the matter? Now that you have fully allowed the problem to be explored, use column four to begin presenting the solutions or answers.
Write down how you, your product, or service, can work together with the client to solve the problem.
So the "question" in this column is actually a solution, such as "I will teach you how to get clear as to what is holding you back from taking the actions that you already know you want to take, such as exercising, and then create a plan to support you!" This should then be followed, in the last column, by the client's voice expressing how they will feel once they have resolved their problem.
This, for example, can look like "I will feel excited about life!" or "I can see myself putting myself out there more in all that I do!" This "problem solution template" will not only allow you to hook up with clients on a heart level and connect with their energy, but it will also help you to express what you do and act as a conversational guide.
By having a way to easily explore the issues that people are facing, clients will feel that you really care about them.
They will sense the confidence in you and in your solution, and they will want to buy what you are offering! By creating an atmosphere of serving, you will be able to effectively compel prospective clients, at a heart level, to hire you and buy your products.