- 1). Cut two-inch diameter bamboo with a flat saw to an appropriate length for your waterfall. This shoot of bamboo accounts for the vertical post that extends up from the pot. The longer the shoot, the taller the waterfall.
- 2). Measure down from the top of the bamboo you just cut approximately 2-inches. Drill a 5/8-inch hole through one side of the bamboo with a hole saw and a hand drill. This hole will hold the spout for your waterfall.
- 3). Cut a piece of 5/8-inch bamboo to about five inches in length with the flat saw. On one end of the shoot, cut a 45-degree angle to taper the edge.
- 4). Slide the 5/8-inch bamboo into the hole you cut in the two-inch bamboo. Seal the 5/8-inch bamboo to the two-inch bamboo with silicone caulk inside the two-inch bamboo shoot.
- 5). Cut two pieces of 3/4-inch diameter bamboo long enough to extend across the center of the pot. Allowing a few extra inches for overhang will add a decorative touch. For example, if the hole on the top of your pot is 24-inches across, cut the bamboo to 30-inches.
- 6). Place the 3/4-inch bamboo across the top of the pot and position the two-inch bamboo between the two pieces of 3/4-inch bamboo. Make sure the 2-inch bamboo is in the center of the pot. Tie all three pieces of bamboo together with twine.
- 7). Snake a piece of water pump tubing up through the 2-inch shoot of bamboo and place the tip of the tubing into the 5/8-inch bamboo shoot. Place it in a manner that you cannot see it from the end of the spout.
- 8). Place the water pump inside the pot next to the 2-inch bamboo. Connect the tubing in the pot to the water pump.
- 9). Fill the pot half way with water and then plug the pump into an electrical outlet. Snake the cord of the pump over the back of the pot and hide it behind the bamboo shoot.