- 1). Place the front side of the origami paper face down and fold the paper in half, placing the top edge down to the bottom edge, and the left side to the right side. Unfold the entire paper.
- 2). Fold the top and bottom edges to the center crease line.
- 3). Fold the left and right sides to meet at the vertical crease line and unfold.
- 4). Bend the top-right corner down to the nearest vertical crease line to form a triangle and unfold. Slip your finger to the underside of the unfolded triangle from the side and pull the edge over to the left to form a triangle. The top-side edge will line up with the nearest vertical crease line.
- 5). Fold the top-left corner and bottom corners to the nearest vertical crease line to form triangles and unfold. Slip your finger to the underside of each unfolded triangle from the side and pull the edge in on the paper to form triangles. The side edges will line up with the nearest vertical crease line.
- 6). Bend the bottom edge to the backside to fold the paper in half.
- 7). Fold the two inner flaps of the triangle over to the center of its shape, so the resulting bottom edge lines up vertically at the middle of the shape.
- 8). Bend the far right sharp tip up, so its bottom edge lines with the folded triangle flap and unfold.
- 9). Slightly split open the paper's half fold to bring the far right sharp tip up and tuck it between the half fold to form the origami pig's tail.
- 10
Bend the far left sharp tip to the right to form a small triangle for the snout. Split open the top of the sharp tip and press down so you form a diamond shape. Use a black marker to add a dot to each side of the diamond shape, and eyes above that, to complete the origami pig.