Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Questions for Discussion Groups on Communicating Faith


These questions are only for discussion groups. You should download this and then let the participants choose what question or questions they want to discuss. This discussion should last about an hour. And then I would appreciate your comments on such a discussion if it takes place via [] or on this website, if you could. Thank you very much.

1. If you can' t communicate your faith effectively, how valuable is your faith?

2. To communicate your faith effectively, you have to know It. Could you define your faith?

3. How do you communicate your faith? In business, in your neighborhood, at home, Etc.?

4. What do you think of the Socratic method (listening and asking probing questions), at least in helping the listener recognize his or her need for a Savior, as a communication tool?

5. How many people have you saved (converted) or led to Christ in the past twelve months?

6. Should a Christian determine (judge) who is or is not a Christian when communicating his or her faith?

7. Should a Christian communicate his or her faith through mental persuasion, or through witnessing at an opportune moment what faith has done for him or her? Who really converts, the Christian or the Holy Spirit?

8. In your Church, assuming you had the authority, would you try to set up an Evangelistic program if none existed? Why or why not?

9. What is Evangelism and does the word "Evangelism" have a bad connotation? Why or why not?

10. Should your church emphasize Evangelism or Christian Growth?

11. In a pastor, should one look for leadership or shepherdship? By leadership I mean one who leads without looking back to see if he has lost any of his congregation. By shepherdship I mean one who follows his flock to take care that he does not lose any of his congregation.

12. Would the best approach. in teaching the Gospels be by teaching them concurrently or as a whole rather than in teaching them separately as the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and. John? Have you ever tried this approach?

13. Is setting up neighborhood Bible or Gospel study groups whereby you can invite your neighbours in to participate, a good tool to use in communicating your faith? Can and could you use it in your situation?

14. One person suggested that since we have two ears and one mouth, we should listen twice as much as we speak. Do you, agree?

15. Should communicating your faith be more of a dialogue rather than a monologue to be most effective?

16. If a person rejects the Christian message, is he or she really rejecting Christ or the Christian messenger?.

17. In conclusion, how do you feel, either through Internet or otherwise, we can continually educate Christians on how to communicate our faith more effectively?
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