Business & Finance Wealth Building

7 Ways to Attract More Money

I have recently been reading the book The Secret and been learning about how to attract the things you want into your life.
The Secret is a great book that anyone should read and I want to talk today about different ways to attract wealth into your life (after all that is why you are reading this blog).
When it comes to The Law of Attraction the first thing most people want to attract into their life is money.
Then once they attract money the seek to attract romance, cars, homes, happiness and so much more.
But money is a simple place to start.
So in order to attract money there are 7 different ways to do it: 1.
Give Money Away I know that this sounds counter productive, but there is a lot of power in giving money away.
The more you give the more you will receive.
It is a well known fact that all of the most wealthy people in the world give a 'tithe' of at least 10% of all their money and then even more when they feel inspired to.
Tithing is an idea that comes from the bible, but like a lot of things from the bible it works.
Give and it will be given back to you.
Even without a christian faith, like my own, tithing is an effective way to attract money.
A good tips is to give to the person or place or group that keeps your spirit most alive.
Have a think about where you were most inspired this week and give to that cause.
Also make sure you give money freely knowing it will come back to you.
Don't give with a stingy spirit or you will receive nothing.
Get It Straight Many people have core beliefs that are stopping themselves from attracting a lot of money.
Core beliefs such as Money is evil Only arrogant people have money Wanting money is greedy I don't deserve to be rich Money is hard to get and many more will hold you back from attracting wealth.
You need to change these beliefs.
Don't try to NOT believe them to be true but instead say other things and believe them to be true.
Say to yourself Money is the power to do good Generous people have money To want money is to want a better life for myself and others I deserve to be rich Money is easy to come by By saying these things to yourself and CHOOSING to believe them then by contradiction you cannot believe your old way of thinking.
By thinking a fresh way about money you can attract it to you.
Take Action The world is full of people who learn but never take action.
Sometimes miracles do happen and praise God for that.
But most of the time we need to take action to achieve what we desire.
There is loads of information on this site alone that can make you lots of money and you only need to take action.
I have a joint venture starting today where you can earn money from freelance writing (if this is successful I am going to release an ebook).
All that you need to go from where you are to millionaire status is the implementation of one idea.
So start taking action.
Get a Larger Purpose One of the reasons I said above that can cause you to push away money is that you feel you do not deserve it.
The way to get around this is to want money for something more than yourself.
Compassion International help starving children all around the world and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for them will remove any of my limitations towards attracting prosperity.
When you do it for a worthy cause you know that the money is deserved and therefore it is easier to attract.
Though you will not get money back from these causes as you give it, you will get it back through contacts and goodwill that you have created.
Get Support Get a 'rich old guy'.
Someone who is further down the track than you, knows a little more than you and can help you achieve your dreams.
Though I don't have someone I specifically go to I try my best to learn from the best and do joint ventures with those who are successful.
Don't settle for what you know or what you can read from a book.
Get out there and get someone to teach you.
Offer to pay them a percentage of what you earn as an incentive for them to teach you.
You can also get a 'mastermind' team of people around you who are striving to achieve success.
You can bounce ideas off each other and push each other forward.
I want to start a mastermind team soon of people who are dedicated to becoming online entrepreneurs.
If you are desperate to achieve success in this area then contact me 6.
Be Grateful Newton's third law of motion says that ever action incurs an equal and opposite reaction.
This is physics.
However, this does not just apply to physical things but also to mental and spiritual things.
By being grateful and seeing out gratefulness from your thoughts you can can a reaction that will bring prosperity into your life.
Start by saying in your head, as you get up in the morning, the things you are grateful for.
You will be amazed at the results over a few months of doing this consistently.
Do What You Love To Do I love to write, so I am now a writer.
There is no sense being at a job that you hate.
So if you are at one of those jobs then learn to enjoy your job or change jobs.
Passion is your ticket to financial freedom.
Get passionate about something and that will drive you to success.
The best way is to ask yourself what you would do even if you were not being paid to do it.
Personally, I blogged for 18 months before I was paid anything to do it and still I don't get paid a lot to do it.
What do you love to do and go for it? Now, when doing these things above always expect that you are attracting money and constantly look around asking "I wonder how lots of money will come to me today".
This will keep you looking out for opportunities, meaning you can take them when they present themselves.
For more information on attracting wealth check out the book The Secret..
it could be a great christmas gift.
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