- The scavenger hunt is a great active game for campers. The hunt is easily adapted to any environment and it is ideal for camping. Familiarize the campers with the environment by using different plants, rocks and natural objects as part of the hunt. You may also use animal track molds to create a trail system that leads to clues and objects in the hunt. The scavenger hunt is ideal for all ages.
- Tug of War is a fun and active camping game. Use shovels to dig a sand pit and fill the pit with water. Lay a thick rope across the pit and split up into teams, or build a bracket for one-on-one competition. Be sure to balance the teams evenly and be prepared to fall in the pit if you lose. Check the regulations around your camping area to ensure it is legal to dig the pit. Also fill in the pit when you are finished.
- Outdoor sports that require minimum equipment are great for active camping games. Volleyball, horseshoes, croquet, bocce ball and soccer are all games that are popular for camping. The games do require open space and multiple players. Volleyball and soccer also require nets and goals, but these items may be improvised by with trees for posts and strings for boundaries. Build even teams and build brackets to create a tournament for large groups.
- Hide and Seek and Marco Polo are both fun games that do not require exceptional athletic ability. Play hide and seek in a group and have everyone hide while one person closes his eyes and counts to 30. The first person to be discovered must assume the role of the counter. Marco Polo requires one person to yell "Marco" while the others respond with "Polo". Everyone keeps their eyes closed until the "Marco" person locates and tags another player based on the sound of his voice. This game works on land and in water.
Scavenger Hunt
Tug of War
Outdoor Sports
Hide and Seek