Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Using Self Defense Weapons or Ordinary Household Items

Are you seeking to carry self defense weapons with no problems on potentially hurting your would-be attacker?  No worries, most devices will only cause temporary ailments with no long-term effects.  Here are some choices to consider when in the market for self defense weapons. 

hot shot pepper sprayPepper sprays are what I call the small wonder device.  These sprays cause a lot of irritation to include your nose, throat and of course the eyes.  Once your attacker is pepper sprayed he or she will succumb to severe tearing of the eyes, in some cases temporary blindness, severe coughing, choking with the feeling of being on fire.  This small wonder will have effects that will last up to 45 minutes with lasting effects of up to two hours after.  This tool allows you affordable space between you and your attacker.  They come in many styles, sizes and colors to choose from.  This device is also very affordable, easily concealable and can even be carried on your keychain.  Pepper sprays can spray up to 12 feet or more depending on which type you choose. 

X26C taserIf you choose a TASER as one of your self defense weapons, you have just chosen the ultimate in protection.  TASER guns come in three different styles, the C2, M26C and the X26C which is what law enforcement agencies use.  Any of the 3 TASER guns are an excellent choice.  You will be able to shoot your attacker up to 15 feet.  The gun when in shoot mode will release two hooks that produce an electrical charge.  These hooks then latch on to your attacker penetrating through up to 2" of clothing.  Anyone who is shot with a TASER gun will immediately drop to the ground with effects remaining for several minutes.  It is wise to drop the gun on the spot once you have hit your target and get out of there.  The effects will give you time to leave the scene, however they do not last long. 

If you should need to use your TASER in a self defense situation, go to the police station and report the crime.  Get a copy of the police report and TASER International will replace the gun for free.  Can't ask for much more!  Warranty only honored in the USA.

steel batonIf you should choose a Baton, you have probably just chosen one of the simplest of all.  This device will expand up to 3 feet and is highly suggested that it be kept at bedside. 

Carrying anything with a serrated edge means that you mean business and don't care what the end results are.  You may experience a substantial prison term with this form of weaponry.  I personally don't suggest you use this weapon however it is highly used by many.  Firearms obviously could potentially kill someone also.

If you aren't one that wants to or can't afford to spend any money on a weapon then you may consider carrying an ordinary household item. Pens are used as self defense weapons often; you could potentially stab an attacker with a pen and do permanent damage or even death.

Whichever means you choose to carry, just make sure you are carrying something to help protect you.  Unfortuntely in today's world it's a requirement.  Just remember, if you carry it, make sure it is easily accessible and in ready mode.  Thinking ahead can save your life.
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