Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Ashley Spencer Review

This is a nonsubjective How To Choose The Gender Of Your Baby Review. Since most couples can't pay over $40,000 outside health insurance for medical solutions to assure the gender of your choice,: hence there is a safer, more cost effective alternative that is talked about in Ashley's book.

Ashley Spencer's Natural Methods Versus Microsort Or Ericsson Methods

Gender slection methods that are natural in nature cost almost nothing while the surgical methods like microsort or the Erricsson method cost thousands of dollars.

Ashley Spencer's method is natural and does not require a doctors, traveling, or medical procedures.

In gender selection, there are a ton of information out there based on old wives tales or myth. What is needed here is for you to choose a tried and true, reliable, well researched method that has been proven by other couples.

Ashley Spencer's book has the following:

-Ways to increase fertility with no medical treatment or medicines.

-The science behind gender selection.

-Knowing the differences between the x and y sperm and how that influences gender selection.

-How your diet impacts which gender you will ultimately have.

-What impact food has on the two types of sperm. The logic behind what foods help in conceiving a baby boy or girl prior conception.

-Understanding male ejaculation in relation to the cervix and how that affects gender determination.

-What influences whether you conceive a baby girl or boy as it relates to the timing of sex.

-Learning the secrets of PH levels and how to have your diet influence this so that you get the baby gender of your dreams.

-How orgasm can help you stack the gender deck in your favor.

-Techniques for women wanting to achieve an orgasm.

-Sex positions and which ones are best for conceiving baby boys or girls.

-Having ovulation to work to your utter advantage to get the gender you desire.

-Using science to track your ovulation and thereby taking control of your fertility.

-To help you right away, a 24 hour action plan.

. . . and much much more.

I love the fact that in this How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby review I learned that Ashley Spencer's work is well researched and applied in gender selection, but she also covers increasing fertility and makes you take charge of your own fertility.

If you use this method, you will not have to spend an exorbitant amount of money to super rich doctors who charge crazy amounts of money. You will not have to go back and forth to medical centers. No medication or sharing of private information either.

The great thing about the How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby system is that it has a money-back guarantee that does not expire! The people at How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby system is so sure that their system is sound and that it works, that's why they have such an extreme guarantee.
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