- 1). Water centipede sod every day if it was installed during mild weather. If the sod was installed during hot weather it needs water in the morning, at midday and in the afternoon. Provide the turf with 1/2 inch of water every time you water.
- 2). Test the sod for rooting three weeks after installation by pulling straight up on it. If the sod resists being tugged on, it has rooted. Cut down the frequency of waterings at that time to once per week, providing 1 to 2 inches of water, depending on how hot it is.
- 3). Mow the centipedegrass turf when it is 3 inches in height, cutting it down to 1 1/2 inches. Never mow centipedegrass lower than 1 inch. Turfgrass specialists with the Alabama Cooperative Extension suggest using a rotary mower.
- 4). Fertilize the year after planting, in June, and every June thereafter with a 15-0-5 formula at the rate suggested on the package for the size of your centipedegrass lawn.