Starting a blog can be a great way to maximize your business marketing efforts. Before you post anything, however, you must have a plan. Without a definite plan, your blog will most likely not be going anywhere. One of the most important things to do in your plan is to identify your niche, or what you are an expert in.
This will give your blog a direct purpose and build an audience around it. If your blog is too broad, readers will have to spend too much time looking through your entries than necessary and often lose interest quickly and move on to a more organized blog. Decide what subject can you give the most advice on, comment on, seek help on, find other people who are interested in, and people search for? The answer to these questions will become your niche market. Think long and hard on this, do not just decide this overnight. Do research to see how popular your niche is with search engines by searching your decided topic.
Read some of the other blogs in that niche to find out if the info you have to offer is duplicated over and over, making it quite boring for readers and only giving them what they have already read. The next step is to research, research, and research some more! Are you an expert in this field? If you want your blog to look good, to draw interest and create a buzz, you will need to include interesting and informative content on the topic. Have your friends read your beginnings to see if there is enough there that they would be interested in. You need a lot of current, up to date, unique information to pass on to your audience.
Take your niche and map out all of the interesting points of it into categories, create a series of posts on each point, and make up several blog entries on that topic. Do this all ahead of launching your blog so you will have plenty of content available, because once the blog launches, you will be busy. Remember to always keep your readership wanting more, by writing blogs that will: solve a problem, inspire them, ask them a question, tell them a story, publish success stories, mystify them, make a prediction, promote them, offer them a tip they haven't heard before, and always keep them interested in what's next.
This will give your blog a direct purpose and build an audience around it. If your blog is too broad, readers will have to spend too much time looking through your entries than necessary and often lose interest quickly and move on to a more organized blog. Decide what subject can you give the most advice on, comment on, seek help on, find other people who are interested in, and people search for? The answer to these questions will become your niche market. Think long and hard on this, do not just decide this overnight. Do research to see how popular your niche is with search engines by searching your decided topic.
Read some of the other blogs in that niche to find out if the info you have to offer is duplicated over and over, making it quite boring for readers and only giving them what they have already read. The next step is to research, research, and research some more! Are you an expert in this field? If you want your blog to look good, to draw interest and create a buzz, you will need to include interesting and informative content on the topic. Have your friends read your beginnings to see if there is enough there that they would be interested in. You need a lot of current, up to date, unique information to pass on to your audience.
Take your niche and map out all of the interesting points of it into categories, create a series of posts on each point, and make up several blog entries on that topic. Do this all ahead of launching your blog so you will have plenty of content available, because once the blog launches, you will be busy. Remember to always keep your readership wanting more, by writing blogs that will: solve a problem, inspire them, ask them a question, tell them a story, publish success stories, mystify them, make a prediction, promote them, offer them a tip they haven't heard before, and always keep them interested in what's next.