The budgetary allocation for india education, should be revised every five years, Right now, the money allocated for education is far too inadequate. We need to set apart at least 10 per cent of the GDP to meet the educational requirements of india. Inviting private players will turn the education sector into an educational bazaar. They are interested only in making money and lure students with false promises.
People who impart education should be able to identify with the students and display an active interest in their future. If the corporate houses are really interested in making a contribution to the india education sector, they should provide money to the government or institute scholarships or fellowships for the students. The point is if the government really has the will, then it can find the money.
The salaries of professors in colleges should be fixed at reasonable levels. The government will actually be saving money by rationalising salary structures and this money can then be spent on providing quality education to students. The government is also not filling up existing vacancies in universities and colleges. The money thus saved can be diverted for educational purposes as well. The disparities in salary levels become more glaring among guest lecturers. Even after the recommendation of the University Grants Commissions pay review committee that guest lecturers be paid a salary of Rs 25,000 per month or Rs 1,000 per lecture, they are at present offered just Rs 200 to 300 for every lecture. Even the various teachers associations are not talking about the poor salaries doled out to the guest teachers.
Another important point is that india education should percolate down to the grass-roots if it has to have the desired effect. The government, instead of helping the poor to get educated, is withdrawing financial support for the education of the downtrodden. Nearly 30 years ago even people living in rural areas could access good education because the fees were very low. The government also displayed a relatively more positive attitude towards imparting education..
Today, people are going to big cities to pursue higher education after paying exorbitant fees. Even then, very few enroll for higher education in india. Schools and institutions of higher education in india should be allotted sufficient amount of money to take care of the requirements of the student community in rural areas. Education must not remain in urban areas alone, It has to reach the village level.
People who impart education should be able to identify with the students and display an active interest in their future. If the corporate houses are really interested in making a contribution to the india education sector, they should provide money to the government or institute scholarships or fellowships for the students. The point is if the government really has the will, then it can find the money.
The salaries of professors in colleges should be fixed at reasonable levels. The government will actually be saving money by rationalising salary structures and this money can then be spent on providing quality education to students. The government is also not filling up existing vacancies in universities and colleges. The money thus saved can be diverted for educational purposes as well. The disparities in salary levels become more glaring among guest lecturers. Even after the recommendation of the University Grants Commissions pay review committee that guest lecturers be paid a salary of Rs 25,000 per month or Rs 1,000 per lecture, they are at present offered just Rs 200 to 300 for every lecture. Even the various teachers associations are not talking about the poor salaries doled out to the guest teachers.
Another important point is that india education should percolate down to the grass-roots if it has to have the desired effect. The government, instead of helping the poor to get educated, is withdrawing financial support for the education of the downtrodden. Nearly 30 years ago even people living in rural areas could access good education because the fees were very low. The government also displayed a relatively more positive attitude towards imparting education..
Today, people are going to big cities to pursue higher education after paying exorbitant fees. Even then, very few enroll for higher education in india. Schools and institutions of higher education in india should be allotted sufficient amount of money to take care of the requirements of the student community in rural areas. Education must not remain in urban areas alone, It has to reach the village level.