There are many traffic methods but not all have the same degree of
effectiveness. Traffic is the blood of your business. It means sales and
sales mean commissions if you are in affiliate marketing.
With normal blog promotion strategies here is a web 2.0 strategy whic can
bring you a massive amount of traffic very quickly: is a wonderful resource of links and unique content ideas. It
helps you keep track of the latest floks. Many Internet Marketers are
profiting from all of the targeted traffic. You can dp too! There are 6
techniques you can use to attract huge targeted traffic to your blog of
Method 1: A "How-to" post
It's a powerful method. Articles with the words "how-to" in their headlines
attract people like magnets. Analyze' hotlist there is a fair
amount of links with these words in them.
Next time create a "how-to" post which teaches your readers how to achieve
something. e.g If your niche is about Dog training, you could write out an
article detailing the steps of successful do traiing. Then like a 'how-to"
headline insert "How To Successfully Train Your Dog"
YOur article being bookmarked will be very high if it contains some useful
tips and strategies and is an interesting and conversational manner.
Method 2: Come up with a list hotlist page is dominated by list titles. In fact they account
for approx 40% of the current links. Instead of "how-to" article you might
want to go for this method.
Method 3: Do you number your list for best results?
"10 Great Tips To Train Your Dog" List that include a number in tyhem are
very popular. Readers bookmark them readily. So implement this method when
you get around to writing out a list!
Method 4: Get humorous
Humour has been used by Internet Marketers to successfully det their
messages across to their targeted audience for years. This technique is
using today. Humorous headline grab attention very quickly. Using humor to
capture readers' interest is going to get you favourable results, so try it.
Method 5: Inspirational and motivational messages or articles always seem to
give us that feel good factor after reading them. Everyone likes this kind
of message. Do you want to generate plenty of targeted hits to your blog and
give people some inspiration at the same time. This is the way to go.
Method 6: Write outrageous but truthful claims and boost your traffic
Think about it! Bold, sensational headlines always succeed in grabbing
attention. Why are tabloids so successful? Take a look at this headline.
"8 year old girl fights crocodile with bare hands and escapes unhurt in
Be serious, if you spot a link similar to this one above on,
wouldn't you read it? Or would you be interested in reading more? You'll ne
excited cliking on this link to see what all the article is about.
So if you click on this link you will read the rest of the story on the
author's blog or website.
Please keep in ming that your article content needs to be honest and legalm.
Writing a bunch of nonsens is just not going to cut it.
I guarantee if you follow these 5 methids you will generate a massive amount
of targeted traffic to your blog very quickly.
effectiveness. Traffic is the blood of your business. It means sales and
sales mean commissions if you are in affiliate marketing.
With normal blog promotion strategies here is a web 2.0 strategy whic can
bring you a massive amount of traffic very quickly: is a wonderful resource of links and unique content ideas. It
helps you keep track of the latest floks. Many Internet Marketers are
profiting from all of the targeted traffic. You can dp too! There are 6
techniques you can use to attract huge targeted traffic to your blog of
Method 1: A "How-to" post
It's a powerful method. Articles with the words "how-to" in their headlines
attract people like magnets. Analyze' hotlist there is a fair
amount of links with these words in them.
Next time create a "how-to" post which teaches your readers how to achieve
something. e.g If your niche is about Dog training, you could write out an
article detailing the steps of successful do traiing. Then like a 'how-to"
headline insert "How To Successfully Train Your Dog"
YOur article being bookmarked will be very high if it contains some useful
tips and strategies and is an interesting and conversational manner.
Method 2: Come up with a list hotlist page is dominated by list titles. In fact they account
for approx 40% of the current links. Instead of "how-to" article you might
want to go for this method.
Method 3: Do you number your list for best results?
"10 Great Tips To Train Your Dog" List that include a number in tyhem are
very popular. Readers bookmark them readily. So implement this method when
you get around to writing out a list!
Method 4: Get humorous
Humour has been used by Internet Marketers to successfully det their
messages across to their targeted audience for years. This technique is
using today. Humorous headline grab attention very quickly. Using humor to
capture readers' interest is going to get you favourable results, so try it.
Method 5: Inspirational and motivational messages or articles always seem to
give us that feel good factor after reading them. Everyone likes this kind
of message. Do you want to generate plenty of targeted hits to your blog and
give people some inspiration at the same time. This is the way to go.
Method 6: Write outrageous but truthful claims and boost your traffic
Think about it! Bold, sensational headlines always succeed in grabbing
attention. Why are tabloids so successful? Take a look at this headline.
"8 year old girl fights crocodile with bare hands and escapes unhurt in
Be serious, if you spot a link similar to this one above on,
wouldn't you read it? Or would you be interested in reading more? You'll ne
excited cliking on this link to see what all the article is about.
So if you click on this link you will read the rest of the story on the
author's blog or website.
Please keep in ming that your article content needs to be honest and legalm.
Writing a bunch of nonsens is just not going to cut it.
I guarantee if you follow these 5 methids you will generate a massive amount
of targeted traffic to your blog very quickly.