Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Inflatable Pool Tips

    Choose the Right Spot

    • When setting up an inflatable pool, be sure to choose a suitable spot in your yard. Many inflatable pools are made from vinyl, which is durable type of plastic. But it can be torn or ripped by tree branches and rocks. Look for a grassy part of your lawn that is free of debris and measure to make sure the pool will fit once it is inflated. However, be aware of what type of grass is in your yard since some harder varieties, such as Bermuda grass, can grow through the vinyl. In addition, avoid placing the pool beneath trees if possible because leaves and other material will continually fall into it, and you will need to skim the water regularly.

    Use a Safety Barrier

    • While inflatable pools are temporary structures, they can still pose a drowning risk to children and pets. Constructing a permanent fence does not make sense because you may move the pool or put it away during the winter. But some type of barrier should be used to prevent unsupervised access. A temporary plastic mesh safety fence is an option because it is inexpensive and can easily be moved. However, it still prevents children or small animals from accidentally falling in while it is unattended.

    Protect the Vinyl

    • An inflatable pool's vinyl must be protected from rocks, sticks and hard grasses beneath it, but there are other ways that the material may become damaged. Make sure that toys with sharp edges are not permitted in the pool because they may puncture the vinyl. Keep pets from scratching at the pool's walls as well. In addition, prolonged exposure to the sun can weaken the vinyl. If you do not plan to use it for an extended period, move the pool into the shade or deflate it and store it in a cool, dark place until you plan to use it again.

    Clean Before Deflating

    • After a long summer of use, you may find that your inflatable pool has become dirty or begun showing signs of staining. Before deflating and storing it for the winter, thoroughly clean the pool so it is ready for the next season. When the pool is drained, use a broom to sweep up any debris that may be visible. Use your garden hose to spray the walls and floor so stubborn debris that is stuck to the vinyl is removed. Dilute a liquid disinfectant with water and use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the pool to make sure it is free of bacteria and grime. Rinse the vinyl with your hose again and allow it to dry for several hours before deflating and storing it for the winter.

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