Snoring, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, means to breathe during sleep with a rough hoarse noise due to vibrations of the soft palate.
Scientifically explained, snoring is a coarse sound made during sleeping, and is caused by a disturbance inside the airway when someone inhales.
This is caused by a partial blockage along the respiratory airways.
But to couples or partners, snoring is the act of making irritating and annoying noise that wakes you up anytime of the night, disrupting your sleeping pattern, and taking from you the chance to have a decent sleep.
Sounds really bad, right? There is no need to worry because there are anti-snoring devices in the market for those finding solutions to their snoring problems, ranging from specially designed pillows to advanced ones, such as a mandibular advancement device.
What is a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)? A mandibular advancement device, also known as mandibular splint, is an anti-snoring device that is usually made out of plastic and typically looks like a mouth guard used in sports.
These devices may also be formed using a hard acrylic or a soft elastomer material.
How does this device work? Despite the existence of different types, mandibular advancement devices, in general, consist of two plates that will cover the lower and upper teeth of the user.
Basically, it slightly moves the snorer's lower jaw forward.
This will prevent the throat tissues and tongue muscles from collapsing to making sure that the airway remains unblocked.
This mechanism will prevent snoring and may treat the obstructive sleep apnea condition.
What cases is mandibular advancement device used for? Generally, this specific device is used to treat and prevent loud snoring as well as mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
There were reports saying that the device is not indicated for severe sleep apnea but there has been an increase of significant evidences that will support the use of oral devices to treat the said obstructive condition for the last ten years.
How much does MAD usually cost and where can an individual get one? Most of the time, mandibular splints cost around $2000 to $3500.
There are MADs that are also covered by medical insurance.
These devices are fitted and custom-made by dentists that somehow specialize in this area to meet your individual needs and conditions.
They can either get the mold of the shape of your mouth, or you can provide to them a mouthpiece that is already customized for you.
One of the best things with MAD is its small size that allows the patient to move their jaws freely, making them able to yawn and speak.
Aside from the device we have talked about, there are other anti-snoring devices in the market, such as an anti-snore chin strap.
Scientifically explained, snoring is a coarse sound made during sleeping, and is caused by a disturbance inside the airway when someone inhales.
This is caused by a partial blockage along the respiratory airways.
But to couples or partners, snoring is the act of making irritating and annoying noise that wakes you up anytime of the night, disrupting your sleeping pattern, and taking from you the chance to have a decent sleep.
Sounds really bad, right? There is no need to worry because there are anti-snoring devices in the market for those finding solutions to their snoring problems, ranging from specially designed pillows to advanced ones, such as a mandibular advancement device.
What is a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)? A mandibular advancement device, also known as mandibular splint, is an anti-snoring device that is usually made out of plastic and typically looks like a mouth guard used in sports.
These devices may also be formed using a hard acrylic or a soft elastomer material.
How does this device work? Despite the existence of different types, mandibular advancement devices, in general, consist of two plates that will cover the lower and upper teeth of the user.
Basically, it slightly moves the snorer's lower jaw forward.
This will prevent the throat tissues and tongue muscles from collapsing to making sure that the airway remains unblocked.
This mechanism will prevent snoring and may treat the obstructive sleep apnea condition.
What cases is mandibular advancement device used for? Generally, this specific device is used to treat and prevent loud snoring as well as mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
There were reports saying that the device is not indicated for severe sleep apnea but there has been an increase of significant evidences that will support the use of oral devices to treat the said obstructive condition for the last ten years.
How much does MAD usually cost and where can an individual get one? Most of the time, mandibular splints cost around $2000 to $3500.
There are MADs that are also covered by medical insurance.
These devices are fitted and custom-made by dentists that somehow specialize in this area to meet your individual needs and conditions.
They can either get the mold of the shape of your mouth, or you can provide to them a mouthpiece that is already customized for you.
One of the best things with MAD is its small size that allows the patient to move their jaws freely, making them able to yawn and speak.
Aside from the device we have talked about, there are other anti-snoring devices in the market, such as an anti-snore chin strap.