This is a condition that takes place while the individual is asleep.
It involves the production of noise during slumber whilst the individual is inhaling air inside or outside his/her mouth or nose.
This condition is believed to affect over forty percent of the people temporarily whereas a little above twenty percent are routine snorers.
It basically occurs as a consequence of relaxation of the throat which leads to the quivering of the tissues and the muscles inside the airways.
Its loudness is directly correlated to the constriction of the air passage.
The chief reason behind its occurrence is the impediment of even air flow in the airways passages, with the other reason being the vibration of tissues and the muscles inside the airways.
In addition to this natural process there are numerous contributing factors too, with some of the chief ones being briefly explained here.
Two things which play a vital role in this ailment are the age and the weight of the individual.
With an increase in age the tissues get feeble and result in the sagging of the adjoining tissues and eventually lead to their vibration.
As far as the weight is concerned, obesity leads to the softness and stretching of the tissues and hence their vibration.
The medical practitioners at times conduct several related tests to diagnose this ailment and to check if it is the signal of some other serious malady.
The tests more often than not take place in respective laboratories for a meticulous study.
The safest and the most effectual method of treatment for this sickness is self help.
This can be done via the maintenance of a healthy diet and eating around five portions of food daily.
Exercise also proves beneficial in this regard as it develops the vigor of the muscles and the tissues.
In advance stages medication and surgery might be the only option.
It involves the production of noise during slumber whilst the individual is inhaling air inside or outside his/her mouth or nose.
This condition is believed to affect over forty percent of the people temporarily whereas a little above twenty percent are routine snorers.
It basically occurs as a consequence of relaxation of the throat which leads to the quivering of the tissues and the muscles inside the airways.
Its loudness is directly correlated to the constriction of the air passage.
The chief reason behind its occurrence is the impediment of even air flow in the airways passages, with the other reason being the vibration of tissues and the muscles inside the airways.
In addition to this natural process there are numerous contributing factors too, with some of the chief ones being briefly explained here.
Two things which play a vital role in this ailment are the age and the weight of the individual.
With an increase in age the tissues get feeble and result in the sagging of the adjoining tissues and eventually lead to their vibration.
As far as the weight is concerned, obesity leads to the softness and stretching of the tissues and hence their vibration.
The medical practitioners at times conduct several related tests to diagnose this ailment and to check if it is the signal of some other serious malady.
The tests more often than not take place in respective laboratories for a meticulous study.
The safest and the most effectual method of treatment for this sickness is self help.
This can be done via the maintenance of a healthy diet and eating around five portions of food daily.
Exercise also proves beneficial in this regard as it develops the vigor of the muscles and the tissues.
In advance stages medication and surgery might be the only option.