- 1). Use a cup, bowl or small bucket to transfer water from your pool into a 5-gallon bucket. Leave enough room in the bucket so that you can fill it the rest of the way with bleach.
- 2). Put on rubber gloves and old clothes. Pour 1 gallon of bleach into the water you transferred from the pool. Pour slowly to avoid splashback. Stir the water lightly to mix the bleach into it.
- 3). Turn on your pool's pump to help circulate the bleach faster.
- 4). Use the small vessel you used to transfer the water from the pool to scoop it back into the pool. Dunk the cup, bowl or small bucket into the 5-gallon bucket to fill it with the diluted bleach, then pour it into the pool. Fill the cup again, then pour it into the pool at a different spot.
- 5). Repeat the process until the bucket is light enough to carry. Pour small amounts of the diluted bleach throughout the pool. Wait about three hours before getting into the pool.