- 1). Choose a digital photo from your collection on your computer. Print the picture to make sure it fits on an ordinary piece of printer paper. If not, crop or enlarge the photo as necessary.
- 2). Slip your printable iron-on transfer into your printer so the ink will print on the smooth, white side of the paper and not on the shiny, labeled side. Click "print" on your computer and print out your picture.
- 3). Spread out your pillow sham on your ironing board. Place the printed transfer picture-side down on top of the sham. Center the picture on the sham, making sure the edges are straight.
- 4). Place a paper towel over the transfer. Turn your iron on to the cotton setting and press it against the lower left corner of your iron-on transfer. The paper towel protects the transfer from scorching.
- 5). Lift your iron straight up and press it straight down all over the transfer, holding it in place for about 10 seconds at a time. When finished, smooth the iron over the entire transfer to heat it evenly.
- 6). Remove the paper towel from your shirt and very slowly and gently peel away the iron-on transfer. The paper should come away and leave the picture behind. Allow the picture to cool overnight before adding a pillow to the sham.