Pets & Animal Horses

Hints & Tricks for Grooming a White Horse


    • Regular bathing with a bluing shampoo is key to a white coat. The shampoo will have a blue or purple tone to it, and when applied correctly will bring out the horse's brilliant white color. Be careful not to leave the shampoo on for too long, it can leave a purple tone on the coat that is difficult to wash out. While the horse is still damp, spray Absorbine ShowSheen Hair Polish & Detangler on the coat to help deter dust from sticking to the hair, but do not spray where the saddle or girth contact the horse as it could make the saddle slip. Keep the horse from rolling when wet, or the stains will be more difficult to remove later.

    Spot removal

    • Removing manure or grass stains from a dry coat is possible with the right tools. Use a product made for green spot removal such as Cowboy Magic's Greenspot Remover. Follow the directions on the bottle by spraying a small area of the stain, massage into the coat with a damp cloth, and wipe off. According to, as a home remedy, use rubbing alcohol or vinegar to remove the stain, generously rubbing the liquid on the stain until it is gone. Rinse the area thoroughly and let dry.

    Show preparation

    • After the horse is dry, use a light sheet or slinky to keep the coat clean from new manure stains. A slinky that covers the neck and face will offer more protection against new stains. In case of a stubborn stain, use baby powder, corn starch, or white chalk to cover the blemish before entering the show arena. Shapley's Show Touch Ups is an aerosol spray can that acts like a spray paint which can cover a tough stain that will not wash out. Keep a can of Shapley's close at hand near the show arena in case of last minute touch ups.

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