You might be over paying for your health care and you might not even know it.
Doctors, hospitals and insurance companies are out there to make as much money as possible on you not being responsible for your health care.
If you are not regularly checking your medical bills you might be overpaying for your health care.
Since insurance companies have contract with doctors and hospitals on how much they are going to pay.
If a doctor or a hospital thinks that they deserve more money, you end up paying the bill.
If you ever had a surgery or might have a surgery in the future, then you might want to pay attention to your bill.
There is one charge that is quite common with over paying for surgeries.
That charge is anesthesiologist.
What happens in some cases is that anesthesiologist ends up no being part of the providers network of the insurance company.
Hospital and surgeon is covered by the insurance company and anesthesiologist is covered at out of network rates.
They you get a bill in the mail for the balance.
You can fight it with the insurance company by writing them a letter and letting them know that you were not in control of choosing anesthesiologist and therefore you are not responsible for the charges.
In most cases insurance companies will take care of the over charges.
Another way that you might be overpaying for your health care is ambulance.
Insurance companies contract with ambulance companies, but not all of them.
When there is the emergency you do not get a choice of choosing your ambulance company.
In that case it is again going to be billed to the insurance company as out of network coverage and you will end up paying the difference.
Write a letter to your insurance company explaining situation.
Since it was not your choice of the ambulance company you are not responsible for being covered as out of network.
It is better to write a letter than calling or sending email.
Just staying proactive with your health care you can be saving thousands of dollars a year.
Most people do not take their time and go over their bill.
Take your time look at the charges and find out if the charges make sense.
In most cases if you meet your deductible, your out of pocket expenses should be very minimal.
If you meet your yearly maximum then you should not be paying anything in network (there are exceptions).
Keep in mind if you are not sure of the charge, call your hospital, call your doctor and have them explain it to you.
Doctors, hospitals and insurance companies are out there to make as much money as possible on you not being responsible for your health care.
If you are not regularly checking your medical bills you might be overpaying for your health care.
Since insurance companies have contract with doctors and hospitals on how much they are going to pay.
If a doctor or a hospital thinks that they deserve more money, you end up paying the bill.
If you ever had a surgery or might have a surgery in the future, then you might want to pay attention to your bill.
There is one charge that is quite common with over paying for surgeries.
That charge is anesthesiologist.
What happens in some cases is that anesthesiologist ends up no being part of the providers network of the insurance company.
Hospital and surgeon is covered by the insurance company and anesthesiologist is covered at out of network rates.
They you get a bill in the mail for the balance.
You can fight it with the insurance company by writing them a letter and letting them know that you were not in control of choosing anesthesiologist and therefore you are not responsible for the charges.
In most cases insurance companies will take care of the over charges.
Another way that you might be overpaying for your health care is ambulance.
Insurance companies contract with ambulance companies, but not all of them.
When there is the emergency you do not get a choice of choosing your ambulance company.
In that case it is again going to be billed to the insurance company as out of network coverage and you will end up paying the difference.
Write a letter to your insurance company explaining situation.
Since it was not your choice of the ambulance company you are not responsible for being covered as out of network.
It is better to write a letter than calling or sending email.
Just staying proactive with your health care you can be saving thousands of dollars a year.
Most people do not take their time and go over their bill.
Take your time look at the charges and find out if the charges make sense.
In most cases if you meet your deductible, your out of pocket expenses should be very minimal.
If you meet your yearly maximum then you should not be paying anything in network (there are exceptions).
Keep in mind if you are not sure of the charge, call your hospital, call your doctor and have them explain it to you.