It is said that the average young girls entering in the life of prostitution are between the ages of 12-15.
Most of them are usually good girls that get exploited by pimps that are just driving around and looking for young girls to make them some money and they don't really care whether these girls are young enough to be their daughters and putting things in their heads as if they will give them the world and say that they love them and will do anything for them in exchange for selling their bodies and making them into something that they're not and introducing them into the life, meanwhile they're making them cry every chance that they get and hurting them on a constant basis by belittling them and giving them low self esteem and putting them out there on the street corners.
Most of these pimps yell and maybe even beat them up and forcing them to grow up faster than what they are and not allowing them to be the kid that they are all because they're exploting them, raping their minds, and telling them what they need to be or where they need to go and also telling these young girls that it's his body and they will do as they say becasuse they own them no ifs, ands, or butts about it.
The pimps that exploit these young women are known as the dream killer while making them walk down the streeet exposing themselves.
However, with the violence and abuse that the yong girls deal with when living this type of lifestyle, these young girls can't even live their own life and these pimps usually force them to call them daddy and making them sell their bodies and they try to fill their heads up by saying, oh I've just taught you the value of money and these young girls really think that the pimps really love them by telling them what to do and think that they own them.
Now these dudes really don't care whether it's rain, sleet, or snow or whatever the weather is because they will send them out in the streets anyway and let them starve to death until they've made that dollar to feed the both of them.
The pimps usually have their main girl handle the abuse for them, and really don't allow the other girls to live their own life.
Know this: Once a young girl is out there on the street prostituting herself, her family is the one that knows first because word gets back to the family so there's no hiding that type of information from your family.
Did you know that these pimps don't care if you have an education to look forward to because they're just here to destroy and not help them build up a future and they also like to make threats and not allowing them to continue their eduaction and keeing them stuck in one place.
When you first get into the life, there's no getting out and a pimp will try to isolate you from your everyday life even if you have family or not and they just don't care and when that happens your family tends to have a search party for you and start to ask around town to everyone because it's every parents worse nightmare to have their daughters out on the street seling herself.
The crime of prostituiton is so serious and is constitued as a crime and is not to be taken lightly because most of these pimps are always out on the hunt for young girls walking down the street and putting them under pimp arrest just by having a simple conversation with a little bit of eye contact and will force her to have sex with many men.
But the only justice for a young girl that has been exploited into prostutiton and that have been abducted by those creepy men is to put them in a shelter for young women that have been taken by these men in order to help them get away from those creeps that will brainwash them into saying that they raised them like a daughter when it's nothing but game and only messes up their livelihood and turning them into damaged goods and making them desperate for the money which is nothing but bad money because remember; not all money is good money. I personally consider that to be dirty money and wouldn't want any part of that at all.
Most of these young girls are known under a different name once they enter into the life of prositution and some of these girls have families and some don't and the one's that don't have family have it the worst because they feel that this is the only family that will always take care of them and some grew up in the system such as a group home and some made something of themselves or some just end up on the street corner and wasting their youth away and wearing themselves down.
The streets is nothing to be played with and bad things happen because it's so dangerous and when you're going through something so hard like prostitution you will always have it in the back of your mind that this is the perfect life for you no matter how bad the situation is.
Young ladies, you need to get your life together and try not to let yourself fall into the trap of anyone exploiting you or entering in the life of prostituiton. Go to school and get an education because education is the key to having it all or definitely a fall back so that way you won't ever have to worry about a man taking care of you and reminding you later that he did alot for you depend on yourself no matter how bad things get for you and always listen to your parents and find yourself because you should always be able to feel free.
Do something with your life instead of getting caught up in the lifesyle because you never know what it out there lurking around in those streets or what's waiting for you and you wouldn't want to get caught up or let alone having someone recruit you into this life because the tough part is getting away from the life once you're in it.
Remember; it's so easy to get in, but not easy to get out. I mean c'mon who wants to be on the track selling your goods.
I know I sure as hell don't want to because my life is pretty great and have myself together and don't need any man to take care of me or to handle my business for me.
With the life of prostitution there's drugs involved, abuse, and people stealing away your identity where you can't get it back as far as doucments and then you end up having to start over.
Now the young girls that are in the life of prostitution and exploitation that end up leaving the life and getting away from it, end up getting very tempted and usually go back to the life because they're already sucked in that lifestyle and then they have to start over and who wants to go through that? But you know what, you can't really blame those young girls that's selling their bodies because this is the life that they're accustomed to and there's no changing that.
Now, if you runaway with a pimp, you will be found on the side of the road either beat up or dead because you can't escape that at all because those pimps are really crazy and just want you to make them happy financially while they're making demands and threats to either scare the young girls or maybe even succeed into trying to go all out of their way to hurt them or kill them. In a sitiuation like this, you should just hope for the best and prepare yourself for the worse no matter what the case maybe.
Some pimps may say that once a young girl leaves the life of prostitution some pimps may say that it was by choice that the girl left and never by force which is total B.S. because it's hard to get out of the life like I said before and your pimp will track you down no matter what because once a pimp has you, especially if he's way older than you, then he has you mentally and will trick you into thinking that he loves you when he doesn't and that's a fact because sexual exploitation is nothing to be played with because it's hard out there for a young girl who's out there selling themselves for a man that's old enough to be her father and whom is supposed to be a father figure to her but is just there to lead her life into ruins.
So when it comes to teenage prostitution and sexual exploitation with these young girls, some never bounce back never leaving the life and some definitely get it together and end up turning their life aroud for the better.
Most of them are usually good girls that get exploited by pimps that are just driving around and looking for young girls to make them some money and they don't really care whether these girls are young enough to be their daughters and putting things in their heads as if they will give them the world and say that they love them and will do anything for them in exchange for selling their bodies and making them into something that they're not and introducing them into the life, meanwhile they're making them cry every chance that they get and hurting them on a constant basis by belittling them and giving them low self esteem and putting them out there on the street corners.
Most of these pimps yell and maybe even beat them up and forcing them to grow up faster than what they are and not allowing them to be the kid that they are all because they're exploting them, raping their minds, and telling them what they need to be or where they need to go and also telling these young girls that it's his body and they will do as they say becasuse they own them no ifs, ands, or butts about it.
The pimps that exploit these young women are known as the dream killer while making them walk down the streeet exposing themselves.
However, with the violence and abuse that the yong girls deal with when living this type of lifestyle, these young girls can't even live their own life and these pimps usually force them to call them daddy and making them sell their bodies and they try to fill their heads up by saying, oh I've just taught you the value of money and these young girls really think that the pimps really love them by telling them what to do and think that they own them.
Now these dudes really don't care whether it's rain, sleet, or snow or whatever the weather is because they will send them out in the streets anyway and let them starve to death until they've made that dollar to feed the both of them.
The pimps usually have their main girl handle the abuse for them, and really don't allow the other girls to live their own life.
Know this: Once a young girl is out there on the street prostituting herself, her family is the one that knows first because word gets back to the family so there's no hiding that type of information from your family.
Did you know that these pimps don't care if you have an education to look forward to because they're just here to destroy and not help them build up a future and they also like to make threats and not allowing them to continue their eduaction and keeing them stuck in one place.
When you first get into the life, there's no getting out and a pimp will try to isolate you from your everyday life even if you have family or not and they just don't care and when that happens your family tends to have a search party for you and start to ask around town to everyone because it's every parents worse nightmare to have their daughters out on the street seling herself.
The crime of prostituiton is so serious and is constitued as a crime and is not to be taken lightly because most of these pimps are always out on the hunt for young girls walking down the street and putting them under pimp arrest just by having a simple conversation with a little bit of eye contact and will force her to have sex with many men.
But the only justice for a young girl that has been exploited into prostutiton and that have been abducted by those creepy men is to put them in a shelter for young women that have been taken by these men in order to help them get away from those creeps that will brainwash them into saying that they raised them like a daughter when it's nothing but game and only messes up their livelihood and turning them into damaged goods and making them desperate for the money which is nothing but bad money because remember; not all money is good money. I personally consider that to be dirty money and wouldn't want any part of that at all.
Most of these young girls are known under a different name once they enter into the life of prositution and some of these girls have families and some don't and the one's that don't have family have it the worst because they feel that this is the only family that will always take care of them and some grew up in the system such as a group home and some made something of themselves or some just end up on the street corner and wasting their youth away and wearing themselves down.
The streets is nothing to be played with and bad things happen because it's so dangerous and when you're going through something so hard like prostitution you will always have it in the back of your mind that this is the perfect life for you no matter how bad the situation is.
Young ladies, you need to get your life together and try not to let yourself fall into the trap of anyone exploiting you or entering in the life of prostituiton. Go to school and get an education because education is the key to having it all or definitely a fall back so that way you won't ever have to worry about a man taking care of you and reminding you later that he did alot for you depend on yourself no matter how bad things get for you and always listen to your parents and find yourself because you should always be able to feel free.
Do something with your life instead of getting caught up in the lifesyle because you never know what it out there lurking around in those streets or what's waiting for you and you wouldn't want to get caught up or let alone having someone recruit you into this life because the tough part is getting away from the life once you're in it.
Remember; it's so easy to get in, but not easy to get out. I mean c'mon who wants to be on the track selling your goods.
I know I sure as hell don't want to because my life is pretty great and have myself together and don't need any man to take care of me or to handle my business for me.
With the life of prostitution there's drugs involved, abuse, and people stealing away your identity where you can't get it back as far as doucments and then you end up having to start over.
Now the young girls that are in the life of prostitution and exploitation that end up leaving the life and getting away from it, end up getting very tempted and usually go back to the life because they're already sucked in that lifestyle and then they have to start over and who wants to go through that? But you know what, you can't really blame those young girls that's selling their bodies because this is the life that they're accustomed to and there's no changing that.
Now, if you runaway with a pimp, you will be found on the side of the road either beat up or dead because you can't escape that at all because those pimps are really crazy and just want you to make them happy financially while they're making demands and threats to either scare the young girls or maybe even succeed into trying to go all out of their way to hurt them or kill them. In a sitiuation like this, you should just hope for the best and prepare yourself for the worse no matter what the case maybe.
Some pimps may say that once a young girl leaves the life of prostitution some pimps may say that it was by choice that the girl left and never by force which is total B.S. because it's hard to get out of the life like I said before and your pimp will track you down no matter what because once a pimp has you, especially if he's way older than you, then he has you mentally and will trick you into thinking that he loves you when he doesn't and that's a fact because sexual exploitation is nothing to be played with because it's hard out there for a young girl who's out there selling themselves for a man that's old enough to be her father and whom is supposed to be a father figure to her but is just there to lead her life into ruins.
So when it comes to teenage prostitution and sexual exploitation with these young girls, some never bounce back never leaving the life and some definitely get it together and end up turning their life aroud for the better.