- 1). Inspect the collapsible nut on your toggle bolt. The collapsible nut goes through the drywall and grips the wall form behind. On the collapsible nut, you will see a fraction. This fraction tells you the size drill bit you need for drilling the access hole. For example, you could see ½-inch.
- 2). Secure the appropriate drill bit to your hand drill as indicated on the collapsible nut.
- 3). Drill the hole straight through the drywall with your hand drill.
- 4). Thread the collapsible nut off the bolt and then slide the bolt through the mounting hole on the object you are securing to the drywall.
- 5). Thread the collapsible nut onto the end of the bolt. Make sure the nut can fully collapse around the bolt shank.
- 6). Shove the collapsible nut through the hole. Pull the object away from the wall to force the collapsible nut against the backside of the drywall.
- 7). Turn the head of the nut with a screwdriver clockwise as you pull the object away from the wall. As you turn, the bolt will pull the object against the wall. This is normal. Continue this until the nut is tight.
- 1). Select a bolt size you want to use to secure the object to the steel. Once you know the bolt size, select the appropriate tap from your tap and die set. For example, if you plan to use a 1/2-inch course thread bolt, select a ½-inch course thread tap. Inspect the side of the tap for the correct drill bit size. The drill bit size is always smaller than the tap size.
- 2). Secure the correct drill bit to your hand drill. When drilling steel, use a high-speed drill bit.
- 3). Drill the hole with your hand drill at least as deep as the screw is long. This will ensure you can thread the screw completely into the hole.
- 4). Place the tap into the hole and hold it straight in the hole. Grip the end of the tap with the tap turning tool and then turn the tap clockwise until you thread the entire hole.
- 5). Back the tap out of the hole counterclockwise and then thread it in one more time clockwise. Once you thread the second time, remove the tap by turning it counterclockwise.
- 6). Place the heavy object against the wall and then thread the bolt into the hole with your fingers as far as it will go. Once you complete this, thread the bolt in the remainder of the way with a screwdriver or wrench, depending on the type of head the bolt has.