Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Opening Your Pool: A DIY Nightmare

While you may be an ardent Do-It-Yourselfer, even the most fanatical DIY homeowners know when it's best to turn things over to the professionals.
When it comes to opening up your pool, it's best to leave it to the experts.
The Supplies When you try to DIY opening your pool, you need to make sure you have all of the supplies that you'll need.
You'll need:
  • A pool brush
  • A skimmer net
  • A pool vacuum
  • A pump for water removal
  • Specialized water test strips
  • Safety Goggles
  • And rubber gloves
Depending on whether you have all of the items you need (and if they're in good condition!,) you may find yourself rushing to the pool supply store and throwing down some serious money to get the supplies you need.
And that's not to mention the chemicals you'll need...
The Chemicals To be sure that the water is safe to swim in, you have to carefully add a whole host of chemicals that can be difficult to store safely and that can be poisonous if ingested by kids or pets.
Just a few of the chemicals you'll need are:
  • Total alkalinity increaser
  • pH increaser and decreaser
  • Chlorine stabilizer
  • Calcium hardness increaser
  • Granular chlorine
  • Algaecide
  • and scale, metal and stain control.
These aren't chemicals to just lay around or use haphazardly; you must wear safety goggles and rubber gloves when you use them.
Using them properly is no walk in the park either.
You have to have an above-average understanding of chemistry to begin to balance your pool properly, and it certainly doesn't hurt to already know the exact amount of water in your pool.
Then There's the Actual Work...
When you've managed to gather all the expensive supplies and chemicals you need, you have to go to extensive effort to get your pool opened.
You've got to clean the cover, add water, remove the freeze plugs, re-install everything that was removed before winter, inspect the filter for proper function, turn it on, clean everything, check and alter the chemical balance, re-check the chemical balance...
the list goes on and on! The time, energy, and resources that you sacrifice to get your pool running yourself end up costing you more than you'd ever pay for having a pool service come and take care of opening your pool for you.
After all, what's the going rate on spending time with your family or being able to actually relax during your free time? Hire a Pool Service Once you've finally done the smart thing and decided to call your local pool maintenance company, you need to figure out exactly when you should have them come out.
You'll want to book your appointment for a week before you will want to go swimming.
The time it takes to have a pool back to proper condition is the one aspect of opening that even the professionals can't make better.
Be sure to call to book your appointment early, as well! Many pool services book up quickly when warm weather starts to show.
When the pool maintenance service comes out and opens your pool, you'll appreciate not having to put forth any back breaking effort into making your pool a place for you and your family to enjoy.
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