Business & Finance Blogging

How to Become a Great Blogger

So you want to give your internet marketing a boost by starting a blog.
That's the easy part - making the decision - the hard part is consistently producing great posts that people want to read and share.
What got you interested in blogging in the first place? I'm guessing you're an avid blog reader and wanted to have a go yourself.
You could see the potential in driving traffic to your sales site and now want to emulate the success of your blogging heroes.
First up, don't try and copy.
Your blog has to be true to you, your values and your personality.
Develop your own style, don't try to copy someone else's.
Also don't expect too much too soon.
Desperation to be the best can stifle creativity - just be yourself.
Five ways to become a better blogger: 1.
Don't compare yourself to others
Trying to replicate your favourite blogger's style will be a disaster.
We are all different and like different writing styles.
Find your own niche and then blossom.
You are an individual and your blog posts are your opportunity to show that individualism.
Use your personal style to develop your readership.
So what if not everyone loves your style - you won't be able to please everyone so don't even try.
It's not a closed club
There are a lot of 'great bloggers' out there (or at least popular bloggers) but there's plenty of room for new talent.
Get writing and see what happens.
Be unique
There's only one you.
Nobody out there will write like you, think like you or engage like you so play to your unique strengths.
Developing your own online personality is great fun.
You can be whoever you want to be, there are no limits or constraints.
Your experiences, personality and ideas will shape the way you write in a way no one else can emulate.
By making your work your own you will attract readers.
So be yourself and become an authority in your field.
Fresh ideas
Totally fresh content and a constant stream of it is a big ask of anyone.
Just about every topic under the sun has been covered through one blog post or another.
The trick is not to be put off about writing on a topic that's already been covered by other people, it's to find a new angle to write about - a fresh way of looking at it.
That's what will draw in readers.
It is this constant re-shaping of information that makes the world of blogging so interesting.
Give the subject your own personal take - your opinions are unique to you so use them to start a conversation.
Stand out
Injecting your own personality into your writing will make you stand out.
People like to get to know bloggers; through their writing and opinions they start to build relationships and interact by leaving comments.
If you can add a touch of humour to your writing as that always goes down well.
But above all be true to yourself.
If you want to get your ideas 'out there', if you enjoy writing, if you want to have a worldwide voice, yes, blogging is for you.
Give it a try.
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