Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

How to Build a Bathroom for Your Business

As soon as you open a business, there is one necessity that many people do not always get excited about: building the bathroom. Unless they work in the restaurant business, most people are unconcerned with the appearance of and amenities in their bathroom. But for cleanliness and safety's sake, there are a few necessities that apply to every business owner's property. Associated Building Specialties and other suppliers can help you take care of what is likely an uninteresting step in opening or renovating your business, and you should still know that the following will be needed.
You will need toilet partitions, and nice ones. If graffiti or any other vandalism is present on your current ones, then they will need to be replaced. They will also need to be replaced if they are too short or have too many gaps for bathroom users to feel any sense of privacy. If you are just now building your business, then your men's and women's restrooms will need partitions to allow for privacy, space, and a working flow in your restroom. A restroom that is missing one of these qualities will be held up by longer use times. If you choose to have a restroom with only one toilet (and thus not needing any toilet partitions), then a queue will form for your single-person bathroom and time will be wasted. Patrons to your business will be annoyed by the lack of accommodations and employees will lose productivity while waiting to use the restroom. Another thing to consider is that toilet partitions are the largest surface besides the floors and walls, so they will need to be appealing to the eye. Dull or mismatched partitions will bring down the appearance of your business's restroom.
You will also need accessories for cleanliness, such as towel dispensers and toilet tissue dispensers. These will need to be accessible and large enough that they will not need constant attendance for refilling. The toilet dispensers should be sturdy but light enough to hold onto a toilet partition if necessary. Towel dispensers should be near trash receptacles, and should be placed on either side of the sinks--there should be at least two sinks to allow for simultaneous hand washing--as well as next to the door so that users can grab the door handle with a paper towel. This is a very common practice.
Once you stock your restroom with these and include the final touches, such as soap dispensers by each sink and locks on the partition doors, your restroom will be usable and maybe even enjoyable! Let a company like Associated Building Specialties provide these parts for you so you can quickly move on with planning or retaining your business.
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