- 1). Start the worm bin at any time of year. Use a wood or plastic bin 2 to 3 feet long and 1 1/2 feet deep. Worms operate best in shallow soil, which has better access to warmth and air. Drill three holes in each side of your worm bin for better air circulation.
- 2). Put the box in a cool, dry area for storage. Worms do best in temperatures of 55 to 77 degrees F. They die in temperatures over 85 and under 50 degrees F. Keep the box in the shade if you keep it outside, as the sun dries bedding.
- 3). Fill the box three-quarters full of shredded paper or cardboard, and add 1/2 lb. of topsoil. This combination gives the worms moist, loose bedding and grit for digestion. Water and mix the bedding until it's uniformly moist, but not wet.
- 4). Add Eisenia foetida or Lumbricus rebellus red worms. These worms are best for home composting. Lay 1 lb. of worms on the bedding and allow them to dig in.
- 5). Feed the worms every two to three days with vegetable and fruit scraps from the kitchen. Don't use milk, cheese or meat products, as these cause odor and draw pests. Fold the scraps into the bedding in various locations, and leave the worms to eat. Sprinkle water into the box when you feed them, to maintain good moisture levels.
- 6). Dump the box, collect the worms and renew bedding every three to four months. Move the old bedding into the garden as compost. If your box gets overpopulated, move half the worms into the garden as well.