You have to face it, everyone knows that nail biting is a nasty habit.
You are putting your filthy fingers into your mouth after having just touched who knows what.
You are biting your nails down to the quick leaving you with nothing but bloody stumps.
Your cuticles are ragged and probably infected and who in their right mind would ever want to shake hands with you? You are embarrassed and disgusted with yourself and you need to know how to stop biting your nails - today! The first thing you need to do if you want to know how to stop biting your nails is heal your poor fingers and nails.
One of the reasons that people bite their nails is to try to get rid of all the jagged edges that are caused by - biting their nails! Get special creams that are created for nail biters that will not only help heal your fingers but they will taste terrible, too, every time you go to put your fingers in your mouth.
Start taking care of your nails.
Nail biting is a habit and after a while you do not even notice you are doing it.
The more attention you draw to them the easier it will be for you to remember you are trying to stop biting your nails.
Before you are tempted to start biting them again, to get rid of those jagged edges, start carrying a nail file with you every where you go.
Put some colorful polish on your nails right away - no matter how bad they look.
In the beginning, the polish will remind you that you are trying to stop biting your nails today.
And as your nails start to grow, you will be less apt to bite them because you will not want to ruin how pretty they look.
Now that you know how to stop biting your nails what are you waiting for? Go get some bright, red polish and get started!
You are putting your filthy fingers into your mouth after having just touched who knows what.
You are biting your nails down to the quick leaving you with nothing but bloody stumps.
Your cuticles are ragged and probably infected and who in their right mind would ever want to shake hands with you? You are embarrassed and disgusted with yourself and you need to know how to stop biting your nails - today! The first thing you need to do if you want to know how to stop biting your nails is heal your poor fingers and nails.
One of the reasons that people bite their nails is to try to get rid of all the jagged edges that are caused by - biting their nails! Get special creams that are created for nail biters that will not only help heal your fingers but they will taste terrible, too, every time you go to put your fingers in your mouth.
Start taking care of your nails.
Nail biting is a habit and after a while you do not even notice you are doing it.
The more attention you draw to them the easier it will be for you to remember you are trying to stop biting your nails.
Before you are tempted to start biting them again, to get rid of those jagged edges, start carrying a nail file with you every where you go.
Put some colorful polish on your nails right away - no matter how bad they look.
In the beginning, the polish will remind you that you are trying to stop biting your nails today.
And as your nails start to grow, you will be less apt to bite them because you will not want to ruin how pretty they look.
Now that you know how to stop biting your nails what are you waiting for? Go get some bright, red polish and get started!