- 1). Take your pet to the veterinarian. Medical conditions are the main reason cats avoid their litter boxes and use the rug instead. Your pet may have a urinary tract infection (UTI) or other condition that makes a soft rug more appealing than rough litter. If her anal glands are infected, your cat will not want to rub her backside against gritty clay. Your cat may assume that the litter box itself is the cause of her discomfort and not use it. A thorough examination will help confirm or eliminate a medical cause for the behavior.
- 2). Keep the litter box clean. Cats are sensitive animals, and their sense of smell is especially well tuned. A dirty litter box, or one with a cover that prevents proper ventilation, is as offensive to your cat as a smelly restroom would be to us. Keep small plastic bags nearby. Scoop daily if not immediately. Because cats don't like chemical odors, moving the litter box out of the laundry room, bathroom or garage could help save your carpets.
- 3). Place the litter box in a quiet, less-trafficked area of the house. Surround it with a screen. This will help prevent anxiety associated with using the box, such as children watching. Other causes of anxiety could make your cat use your rug instead of the litter box. Perhaps you've moved to a new location or bought a different litter that feels funny to your pet's delicate paws. Cats don't like change.
- 4). Place litter boxes so they are accessible. If you have a multi-level house, place a box for each cat on each level. Multiple cats require multiple litter boxes. It's a territorial issue. Make sure the box is large enough for your cat to maneuver comfortably. Felines need room to dig, squat, move and cover. They also need enough litter in the box, or they will sidestep the box in favor of the rug.