Here I am back again to help you, This time with some cleaning tips to make your car shine.
Car cleaning tip # 1 Wax on wax off, OK bad reference but when you wax your car you want to make sure you don't have any residue left on it anything that could cause scratches like sand dirt etc, Wash and dry your car thoroughly first, Make sure you are waxing in at least 65 degrees or better and avoid direct sunlight.
Direct sunlight is bad because the wax will harden too much making removal much more difficult.
The choice of wax is really up to you but I do recommend a carnuba type it is the best performing and will last the longest, Other polishes like polymers etc, Are OK but as for being once a year I don't agree, You should wax your car at least once every 3 months.
Car cleaning tip # 2 Cleaning your motor.
A very small amount of dirt build up on your motor can believe it or not create a higher operating temperature, When you do clean it make sure it is cold you never want to spray cold water on a hot motor basic physics apply, Cold on hot can cause cracking or other adverse effects.
you can use a motor cleaner they are called degreaser and work quite well.
Another thing you will want to do is take plastic and securely cover any water sensitive items lie the alternator, Wiring etc.
Car Cleaning tip # 3 Cleaning your dash, Using an old toothbrush or Cotton swabs is a great way to get into the tiny little nooks and crannies, Also use a terrycloth towel when cleaning the main parts paper towels leave little particles.
Window cleaner will work on getting other spots up as well so you don't necessarily have to get any kind of special cleaner for the dash.
When and if you apply a vinyl dressing be careful not to get it on the clear plastic parts like the speedometer area it will cause hazing.
Car cleaning tip # 4 Cleaning your car carpet.
One of the best ways to do this is with a wet dry shop vac you can vacuum it dry and use any water based spotters with it as well.
Using a spotter treat the spot work it in well and with a glass of water pour into it while vacuuming this will increase your chances of successfully removing the spot.
Car cleaning tip # 1 Wax on wax off, OK bad reference but when you wax your car you want to make sure you don't have any residue left on it anything that could cause scratches like sand dirt etc, Wash and dry your car thoroughly first, Make sure you are waxing in at least 65 degrees or better and avoid direct sunlight.
Direct sunlight is bad because the wax will harden too much making removal much more difficult.
The choice of wax is really up to you but I do recommend a carnuba type it is the best performing and will last the longest, Other polishes like polymers etc, Are OK but as for being once a year I don't agree, You should wax your car at least once every 3 months.
Car cleaning tip # 2 Cleaning your motor.
A very small amount of dirt build up on your motor can believe it or not create a higher operating temperature, When you do clean it make sure it is cold you never want to spray cold water on a hot motor basic physics apply, Cold on hot can cause cracking or other adverse effects.
you can use a motor cleaner they are called degreaser and work quite well.
Another thing you will want to do is take plastic and securely cover any water sensitive items lie the alternator, Wiring etc.
Car Cleaning tip # 3 Cleaning your dash, Using an old toothbrush or Cotton swabs is a great way to get into the tiny little nooks and crannies, Also use a terrycloth towel when cleaning the main parts paper towels leave little particles.
Window cleaner will work on getting other spots up as well so you don't necessarily have to get any kind of special cleaner for the dash.
When and if you apply a vinyl dressing be careful not to get it on the clear plastic parts like the speedometer area it will cause hazing.
Car cleaning tip # 4 Cleaning your car carpet.
One of the best ways to do this is with a wet dry shop vac you can vacuum it dry and use any water based spotters with it as well.
Using a spotter treat the spot work it in well and with a glass of water pour into it while vacuuming this will increase your chances of successfully removing the spot.