I provide these article for motorcycle rider who look for simple tips on buying saddlebags. I tell you now, buying your saddlebags is not like a nuclear science. We know that motorcycle saddlebags are made from leather, metal, plastic and hardware. Making sure all off these are of good quality is the first step towards a smart buying decision.
Motorcycle enthusiasts are usually using a saddlebags to carry their luggage on motorcycle. But most of motorcycle owner purchase saddlebags that are not suitable for them, they might be bought saddlebags too large or too small, in fact there is people purchase saddlebags that might be not as durable or flexible as they want.
Before buying your motorcycle saddlebags there is three very important thing that you must concern. First, make sure that saddlebags made from a good quality material, the stronger they are, the longer they will sustain. Second thing that you must concern is durable of saddlebags lock, this is important matter because there are many bikers that carry their good quality and expensive helmet on the saddlebags, surely they do not want to lose it. And the last thing you must concern before buying saddlebags is choosing a suitable saddlebags with your own style.
Actually, there are two major kinds or types of motorcycle saddlebags, hard-mount type and throw-over type. The concept of hard-mount type originated from throw-over saddlebags which were used in early 1950 for the first time. Hard-mount type is saddlebags that you can not removable but usually tough and suitable for heavy luggage. Throw-over type is removable saddlebags, but this type usually tends to be less durable.
Back to 1960s, we found that motorcycle business started to skyrocket, and motorcycle luggage also evolved. As major motorcycle companies launched bigger and better motorcycle people started traveling farther on their motorcycles. There’s many riders formed groups and rode cross country and from city to city with their motorcycles. The throw-over style of saddlebags was soon replaced by a better and more reliable way of carrying luggage, hard-mount type of saddlebags. And for now on, we can see that the hard-mount type are more popular for motorcycle rider, especially when they are planning a motorcycle tour. So, when it is come to you to choose your motorcycle saddlebags the choice is all yours.
Motorcycle enthusiasts are usually using a saddlebags to carry their luggage on motorcycle. But most of motorcycle owner purchase saddlebags that are not suitable for them, they might be bought saddlebags too large or too small, in fact there is people purchase saddlebags that might be not as durable or flexible as they want.
Before buying your motorcycle saddlebags there is three very important thing that you must concern. First, make sure that saddlebags made from a good quality material, the stronger they are, the longer they will sustain. Second thing that you must concern is durable of saddlebags lock, this is important matter because there are many bikers that carry their good quality and expensive helmet on the saddlebags, surely they do not want to lose it. And the last thing you must concern before buying saddlebags is choosing a suitable saddlebags with your own style.
Actually, there are two major kinds or types of motorcycle saddlebags, hard-mount type and throw-over type. The concept of hard-mount type originated from throw-over saddlebags which were used in early 1950 for the first time. Hard-mount type is saddlebags that you can not removable but usually tough and suitable for heavy luggage. Throw-over type is removable saddlebags, but this type usually tends to be less durable.
Back to 1960s, we found that motorcycle business started to skyrocket, and motorcycle luggage also evolved. As major motorcycle companies launched bigger and better motorcycle people started traveling farther on their motorcycles. There’s many riders formed groups and rode cross country and from city to city with their motorcycles. The throw-over style of saddlebags was soon replaced by a better and more reliable way of carrying luggage, hard-mount type of saddlebags. And for now on, we can see that the hard-mount type are more popular for motorcycle rider, especially when they are planning a motorcycle tour. So, when it is come to you to choose your motorcycle saddlebags the choice is all yours.