Have you ever really sat down and looked at the benefits of riding a scooter or moped rather than driving a car or travelling on public transport? If you did you would go straight to your nearest moped shop and buy a nice little 50cc moped.
The first benefit is over car driving.
A good car these days will set you back thousands and will cost you a load more in insurance, tax and petrol.
These all add up to make the car the second most expensive thing you will buy and use behind a house.
While some of us need a car for things such as family life many people have a car each and are the only ones who actually use it.
Why when you could have a 50cc moped for example and spend only a fraction of the price and still get the same level of freedom.
Another benefit is over public transport.
Take a train for example.
We all know that only certain places will have a train station and you have to get to it first before you can even get on a train.
Then you spend a small fortune on a ticket especially if its before 9am.
You then stand waiting for a train to arrive and if your lucky won't be cancelled.
When it does its full and you have to fight your way on to the train only to stand until you get to where your going and then the fight begins again just to get off.
Then you have to repeat that in the evening on the way home.
The buses can be better but they stop every mile and travel quite slowly.
They take forever to get where your going and again you are stuck to a timetable assuming the buses turn up.
Not always a good choice.
A moped for example will give you the freedom to travel with a timetable.
Even cheap mopeds like a 50cc moped would work out better than public transport.
Would be a fair amount cheaper as well.
A new benefit of scooters and mopeds is the effect it has on the environment.
One dangerous craze today is to go out and buy a huge car so big that you could be mistaken for thinking it's a tank.
Guzzling fuel and heavily polluting the atmosphere.
Now in the 21st century we are become more aware and conscious of the damage we are doing to the environment so again a scooter or moped would be a much better choice.
They are so much lighter and use much less petrol.
This means far lower carbon dioxide emissions.
That's good for everyone.
It also means you spend much less on petrol costs.
Those are the three main benefits of a scooter or moped over the alternatives.
I think that it is the best option overall.
I would suggest you go to your local moped shop or just search online and buy a moped even if just a cheap moped.
There are so many makes, models and colours the only down side is you will find it hard to choose what moped to buy.
It really is the best option for everyone.
The first benefit is over car driving.
A good car these days will set you back thousands and will cost you a load more in insurance, tax and petrol.
These all add up to make the car the second most expensive thing you will buy and use behind a house.
While some of us need a car for things such as family life many people have a car each and are the only ones who actually use it.
Why when you could have a 50cc moped for example and spend only a fraction of the price and still get the same level of freedom.
Another benefit is over public transport.
Take a train for example.
We all know that only certain places will have a train station and you have to get to it first before you can even get on a train.
Then you spend a small fortune on a ticket especially if its before 9am.
You then stand waiting for a train to arrive and if your lucky won't be cancelled.
When it does its full and you have to fight your way on to the train only to stand until you get to where your going and then the fight begins again just to get off.
Then you have to repeat that in the evening on the way home.
The buses can be better but they stop every mile and travel quite slowly.
They take forever to get where your going and again you are stuck to a timetable assuming the buses turn up.
Not always a good choice.
A moped for example will give you the freedom to travel with a timetable.
Even cheap mopeds like a 50cc moped would work out better than public transport.
Would be a fair amount cheaper as well.
A new benefit of scooters and mopeds is the effect it has on the environment.
One dangerous craze today is to go out and buy a huge car so big that you could be mistaken for thinking it's a tank.
Guzzling fuel and heavily polluting the atmosphere.
Now in the 21st century we are become more aware and conscious of the damage we are doing to the environment so again a scooter or moped would be a much better choice.
They are so much lighter and use much less petrol.
This means far lower carbon dioxide emissions.
That's good for everyone.
It also means you spend much less on petrol costs.
Those are the three main benefits of a scooter or moped over the alternatives.
I think that it is the best option overall.
I would suggest you go to your local moped shop or just search online and buy a moped even if just a cheap moped.
There are so many makes, models and colours the only down side is you will find it hard to choose what moped to buy.
It really is the best option for everyone.