Ischemic heart disease is a step along the road to a heart attack and possibly either death or dangerous heart bypass surgery.
The good news is this type of heart disease can be almost wholly prevented; here's how.
What is Ischemic Heart Disease? First, what is ischemic heart disease? It happens when you have partial blockage of blood flow to your heart.
You see, when your heart doesn't get the blood it needs, it's not getting enough oxygen.
If it's not getting enough oxygen, it has to work harder.
If it has to work harder..
you get the picture.
Heart failure is a very real possibility.
Tip 1: Plaque Attack Plaque buildup signals the faint beginnings of this type of heart problem.
As we get older, sludge (plaque) builds up in our arteries.
Know what you're eating! You can help stop the sludge by cutting out (or at the very least, cutting way down) the junk food and concentrating on fresh fruits, veggies and lean meats (poultry and fish included) for your diet.
Tip 2: Don't Let Your Life Go Up In a Puff of Smoke If you smoke, quit -- plain and simple.
Having said that, I know it's not a simple thing to kick the habit (I saw what my husband went through).
At the very least you can cut down.
Take it day by day, week by week until you're off.
Smoking takes oxygen away from you lungs and introduces carcinogens into your body.
Not good things if you're at risk for heart problems.
Tip 3: Get Moving Yep, you knew it was coming -- you need to exercise.
But keep in mind that exercise doesn't mean you have to hate every second.
It means just get up and move! Walking, working out the gym or just dancing around your living room all qualify.
Do what you enjoy and it's a whole lot easier to do it regularly.
The good news is this type of heart disease can be almost wholly prevented; here's how.
What is Ischemic Heart Disease? First, what is ischemic heart disease? It happens when you have partial blockage of blood flow to your heart.
You see, when your heart doesn't get the blood it needs, it's not getting enough oxygen.
If it's not getting enough oxygen, it has to work harder.
If it has to work harder..
you get the picture.
Heart failure is a very real possibility.
Tip 1: Plaque Attack Plaque buildup signals the faint beginnings of this type of heart problem.
As we get older, sludge (plaque) builds up in our arteries.
Know what you're eating! You can help stop the sludge by cutting out (or at the very least, cutting way down) the junk food and concentrating on fresh fruits, veggies and lean meats (poultry and fish included) for your diet.
Tip 2: Don't Let Your Life Go Up In a Puff of Smoke If you smoke, quit -- plain and simple.
Having said that, I know it's not a simple thing to kick the habit (I saw what my husband went through).
At the very least you can cut down.
Take it day by day, week by week until you're off.
Smoking takes oxygen away from you lungs and introduces carcinogens into your body.
Not good things if you're at risk for heart problems.
Tip 3: Get Moving Yep, you knew it was coming -- you need to exercise.
But keep in mind that exercise doesn't mean you have to hate every second.
It means just get up and move! Walking, working out the gym or just dancing around your living room all qualify.
Do what you enjoy and it's a whole lot easier to do it regularly.