Health & Medical Body building

How to Burn Fat to Build Muscle

The basic secret of burning fat is energy in and energy out.
  The body normally burns a mix of carbohydrates, as glucose, and fat for fuel.
  The quantum of either is depending upon what the level of physical activity and the amount and nature of the food eaten recently.
  When one burns more energy in the physical activity than the energy that one has taken in, the body utilizes the stored fat in the body to fill up the deficit in energy requirement.
  This results in loss of fat.
  Take into consideration the below mentioned example:   Walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes-180 calories used-180 calories of fat burned.
Running on a treadmill for 30 minutes- 400 calories used- 120 calories of fat burned.
From the above example, it is evident that the rate of fat burning depends upon the amount of energy expended in either walking or running.
BUILDING MUSCLE Muscles are mainly composed of the following three types of fibers: Fast Twitch Fibers ( F T F) (A) Slow Twitch Fibers (S T F) Fast Twitch Fibers (F T F) (B) Building muscle requires concentrating on the F T F during training.
Genetics decides the relative proportion of S T F to the F T F.
Those with relatively more F T F are likely to build muscle faster as compared to those with more S T F.
CONCLUSION We can therefore conclude that expending energy leads to burning fat and building muscles requires molding the excess fat that is stored in the body by concentrating on the fibers.
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