Pets & Animal Pets Birds

Choosing a Cage For Your Pet Canary

When we're talking about "space" here, we're not just talking about the total, overall dimensions of the cage you purchase or the aviary you construct, but also the overall environment that you're constructing for your canary.
While all canaries need a little exposure to direct sunlight (for nutritional and health reasons), you should never position your canary cage in full, direct sun for any length of time.
If you keep your canary indoors, and you have a few night-owls in the house, you'll want to cover your canary's cage with a black cloth once the sun goes down (and remove it promptly when to sun comes up) to keep the bird on their natural, seasonal cycles of moulting, breeding, etc...
Many first time owners think that it's the temperature of the home that induces these cycles, and neglect total hours of sunlight, and - as a result - their canary! The problem is unlike humans, canaries have particular needs that, if neglected, can easily lead to problems with toxicity and even death...
Canaries don't just care for themselves; they depend on YOU to protect them from illnesses and the elements.
Many a newbie has gone to great lengths to purchase all of the latest and greatest cages, seed mixes, accessories - you name it - only to get their canary home and later lose it thanks to something as seemingly harmless as non-stick cookware being used in a kitchen close to your canary's cage! No one wants to suffer through the sting of loosing their pet canary.
How much worse would it be to lose your bird by committing a common plunder you could have completely avoided? Here are a few of the basics you need to take into consideration as you iron out the details of establishing an environment and overall space that will encourage health and comfort in your bird that will last a FULL and healthy lifetime.
Remember: canaries with too little space will soon fall into depression, seriously shortening the amount of time they spend in song, if they don't cease singing entirely! When you're selecting your cage, remember that size does, in fact, matter.
Opt for a cage built rectangular, versus circularly, since the resulting space will be much less cramped and easier (and more comfortable) for your canary to move around...
The cage should be AT LEAST 16 inches (40 cm) in length if you'll be housing one bird, 20 inches (50 cm) or more for a pair of canaries.
Vertical wires should be spaced at intervals of 3/8" to ¾" (to prevent your new canary from getting its head stuck in between the cage wires in times of curiosity).
A poorly kept habitat and the wrong foods can be DEADLY for canaries! So before investing in your first canary, a cage, or any food, toys and accessories, Let me show you exactly how to avoid the headaches and heartbreak of a sick or dying canary and give you the easy techniques to keep your canary SUPER HEALTHY, EXTREMELY HAPPY and living a long and ENERGETIC LIFE!
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