Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids: Identifying Their Symptoms

There are times that the pain and discomfort that hemorrhoids bring make you feel that you would rather die.
Hemorrhoids are not life threatening condition.
However, some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids can be similar to other conditions that are more serious like colorectal cancer and anal cancer.
Therefore, it is critical that you have your health checked by a physician, if you think you have any of the common symptoms of hemorrhoids, as it may become something more serious and complicated.
Indisputably, hemorrhoids are known to be the most common problem, which occurs in the anus and rectum.
Their symptoms vary according to the people and types of hemorrhoids.
Unfortunately, not all people that experience this kind of anal disease have evident symptoms.
The signs and symptoms of Hemorrhoids may differ depending on their locations.
Internal Hemorrhoids Symptoms
  • A presence of bright, red blood covering the feces that appear on toilet paper is the major symptom of this type because rectal bleeding from hemorrhoids is characterized by bright red streaks of blood from the anus that goes along with stools during bowel movements.
  • Skin irritation can as well be a symptom of internal hemorrhoids because of the secretion of mucus from dilated hemorrhoids.
    Itching is a frequent complaint of patients that suffer from hemorrhoids.
    This is because of mucus secretion that swelling hemorrhoids secretes.
  • Discomfort is also a usual sign for a person who suffers from this type of hemorrhoids.
  • Pain is not really a problem since most internal hemorrhoids are not painful except from large hemorrhoids that bulge from the anus because they are squeezed by the muscles that control the anus.
External Hemorrhoid Symptoms
  • Rectal pain occurs on this type of hemorrhoids.
    Unlike with the internal, external hemorrhoids can be very painful.
  • Streaks of blood on the toilet paper or toilet bowls are also noticeable on external types of hemorrhoids.
  • Bleeding and itchiness in the anus can be caused by rapid and excessive straining or rubbing of the affected areas.
  • A painful lump or lumps usually appears purple-bluish in color takes place under the skin.
    This condition is called thrombosed hemorrhoid.
If a patient can notice a hard and painful lump around the anus, that is a result of a blood that clots and this needs an urgent treatment.
Furthermore, there are other diseases that have common symptoms with hemorrhoids.
Colon, rectal, and anal cancer as well have symptoms of rectal bleeding, severe pain, and discomfort during bowel movements.
When to See a Doctor? With all of these symptoms mentioned above, bleeding during bowel movements is the most common sign of hemorrhoids.
But rectal bleeding can also happen with other serious diseases which include colorectal and anal cancer.
It is then recommended to consult your doctor and don not assume that bleeding is coming from hemorrhoids.
In addition, if the signs of hemorrhoids are going along with unusual change in bowel habits, like bearing down of black or maroon colored stools, visit your physician right away for further medical examinations.
This may be a symptom of mores serious health problems.
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