Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid Treatments, What Works?

Hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable and embarrassing to live with.
I know because I have lived with them for over a decade.
What can you do about it? There are a lot of so called ancient secret methods and doctor prescribed ointments which I have tried.
Some did work better than others.
However, none of these things ever cured my hemorrhoids.
I asked my physician what was the cause of my hemorrhoids, and if there was a permanent cure for them not just a treatment.
He gave me the typical diet advice, but he could never give me an answer about a definite reason for my breakouts or a cure.
So I decided to help myself.
Let's look at what exactly hemorrhoids are and what seems to help treat them.
Notice I only said treat not cure.
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lining of the anus.
They can be internal or external.
However, each has its own symptoms.
They can burn, itch and bleed.
With internal hemorrhoids, there might be red streaks of blood on toilet paper or even in the toilet bowl after having a bowel movement.
There may also be blood on the stools surface.
External hemorrhoids can also bleed, and form a hard painful lump.
This is called a clotted, hemorrhoid.
If you are bleeding during bowel movements, you need to seek out immediate medical attention to rule out any other serious medical conditions.
It is widely believed that the major causes of hemorrhoids are poor diet, straining while relieving your bowels, lack of exercise and even dehydration.
Some physicians recommend that by increasing your water intake (Preferably to a gallon or more a day), changing your diet to one consuming organic/ high fiber foods, eating fruit & vegetables or brown rice, should help prevent future outbreaks.
However, that didn't work for me.
I have also been down the old Preparation-H trail, and I have in addition used other topical solutions such as a combination of Zinc Oxide and Vitamin E, Aloe Vera gel and olive oil received some temporary mild relief.
Calendula ointment has been known to stop the itch.
While witch hazel helps to shrink the size of the hemorrhoid.
Again I admit to having seen some temporary relief using these items.
Juicing therapy has also been mentioned throughout various heath circles.
Juices such as Carrot, beet, spinach and celery have moreover had some mild stool softening effects, which have made bowel movements easier to deal with.
Nutritionists have made claims that certain vitamins may prevent and even in some cases reverse hemorrhoids.
Vitamin B complex, Zinc and vitamin C did work for me occasionally.
A number of positive claims should be mentioned in the field of alternative professional care.
Acupuncture has been mentioned along side of traditional Chinese medicines.
I have not tried either so I will mention these options without any bias.
Total body detoxification had positive results in my fight for hemorrhoid relief as well as fighting fatigue.
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