Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

What Is The Best Cure For Hemorrhoids And Does Any Treatment Prevent Reoccurence?

The best cure for hemorrhoids is the one that works for you, plain and simple.
There are many conventional and alternative treatment options, and people have reported favorable results with many of them.
It's just a matter of knowing what's out there and finding the right one for your particular situation.
Treatments can come in the form of herbal supplements, topical medications, conventional oral drugs, and even surgery.
Different people may have different ideas on which of these is the best hemorrhoid treatment.
However, many agree that if natural remedies can be used to effectively treat conditions, it is by far the most desirable choice.
If not, there are new alternative treatments in place that are proving less abrasive and interruptive to daily life.
If you want the best cure for hemorrhoids and the least invasive treatments, the option for you is natural remedies like certain juices, lifestyle changes, herbal supplements and topical treatments like poultices and suppositories made up of natural ingredients.
These options are less expensive as well, although you will find that some of them are the main ingredients that make up many of the expensive medications on sale today that claim to be the best hemorrhoid treatment.
These ingredients include butchers broom, cayenne pepper, vitamin e and red sage.
All of these can be found and taken on their own or together from your local health food store, or even online.
Juices that you may take to heal hemorrhoids include pomegranate juice and dark berry juices that have lemon or apple juice mixed in.
Fruits like papaya and bananas are high in fiber and help healthy stool as well.
A change in lifestyle also contributes to the best cure for hemorrhoids.
This means more fluids, more exercise, and a healthy approach to bowel movements that includes the avoidance of excessive straining while on the toilet.
Topical treatments are varied and abundant as well as suppositories.
A wise choice of these, which includes witch hazel, and natural poultices made up of ingredients like cranberries or garlic and onions can be applied to the area to soothe and cure.
Essential oils like almond or lavender can also be applied to the affected area.
The best hemorrhoid treatment, remember, also means what works for you.
Hot baths and cool compresses along with the above poultices are easy, inexpensive, and can be administered from home without what may be an embarrassing trip to the doctor.
In some cases, the best cure for hemorrhoids may be more complicated.
In extreme cases you may have to consider surgical treatment.
If so, a second opinion as well as consultation is a good idea, and you may want to look into the newer alternative options in surgery that are available.
These, according to many are the best cure for hemorrhoids in extreme cases when surgery is unavoidable.
These options can be desirable especially for people that want to avoid missing time off work, or more painful healing time.
More conventional surgeries may include stitches, and that takes more time to heal.
Laser surgery is not only an outpatient treatment, meaning no hospital stays, but also it is very precise and promotes rapid healing, with very little to no bleeding during or after.
In extreme cases when surgery is necessary, this may indeed be the best hemorrhoid treatment.
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