Many people have constipation and they don't need to have it.
It is mostly a habit of eating the wrong kinds of food and in the wrong quantity.
Once you have constipation it will be recurring unless you change the way you eat.
Mostly likely as you continue to have constipation you will develop hemorrhoids.
This will not happen all of a sudden, but one day you will notice extra tissue in your anus and then some pain or discomfort in this area.
In more severe case you will have a lot of pain during bowel movement and perhaps see blood in the toilet bowl.
If you don't change your eating habits to stop constipation, then you will eventually have a good case of hemorrhoids.
To stop hemorrhoids the first thing you need to do is stop constipation.
But if you have developed hemorrhoids, then you many need to use natural remedies to help you get relief from these as you work to stop constipation.
In some case, many of my clients allow their hemorrhoid condition to develop over many years.
When they have, their condition develops to a point where their doctors only recommend surgery, and then they get upset and really get concern.
It is at this point where they start to see if there are alternative ways to deal with their hemorrhoids.
This is the time that many of them come to me asking questions about alternative ways.
There are many different ways to deal with hemorrhoids and with constipation.
The approach you take or that which is recommended by your health practitioner depends on your history.
Most illnesses originate with unresolved personal issues that have cause a great deal of anxiety, depression, or negativity.
So the first place of attack would be dealing with these personal issues.
If you don't lessen their intensity, then it is difficult to heal the body, since this anxiety is a constant force creating inflammation and injury in the body.
Once you start working on your anxieties, you can work at the same time using natural remedies to stop constipation and to stop hemorrhoids.
Stopping constipation makes your bowel movement easier to pass without having to push and strain while having a bowel movement.
This straining is the cause of hemorrhoids since when you push during a bowel movement you increase the pressure in the veins in the rectum area.
And if you also have varicose veins straining during bowel movements is also the cause of this condition.
Of course both hemorrhoids and varicose veins are created by multiple causes and the lack of good nutrition creates weakness in the tissues, vein walls, and cells leading to these conditions.
But a start when dealing with hemorrhoids is to stop constipation.
To do this, you start with these natural suggestions.
Drink just a little more water then you normally do.
Add fiber to you morning meal and make your morning meal only fruits and fruit drinks.
Doing this activate peristaltic action during the morning hours.
Some people cannot eat fruit in the morning and if you are like that, then eat some yogurt or a small amount of high fiber cereal.
Eat plenty of vegetables with your lunch and dinner.
And as snacks use fruits, which contain plenty of fiber.
Lessen the use of process foods, since these foods do not have fiber and are difficult to move through your colon.
To alleviate hemorrhoids, you need to strengthen the veins in your rectum.
But if you have pain there you can start by using some natural creams.
Take plenty of Vitamin C, 2000 - 4000 mg per day.
Use a powder collegan to strengthen your tissue.
Use a product called NuvaprinHD which was formulated to strengthen the veins in your body.
There you have it, a few suggestions to help you stop constipation and to stop hemorrhoids.
Use more fiber in your diet and stop eating so much processed foods.
Increase your Vitamin C and start using Nuvaprin HD.
It is mostly a habit of eating the wrong kinds of food and in the wrong quantity.
Once you have constipation it will be recurring unless you change the way you eat.
Mostly likely as you continue to have constipation you will develop hemorrhoids.
This will not happen all of a sudden, but one day you will notice extra tissue in your anus and then some pain or discomfort in this area.
In more severe case you will have a lot of pain during bowel movement and perhaps see blood in the toilet bowl.
If you don't change your eating habits to stop constipation, then you will eventually have a good case of hemorrhoids.
To stop hemorrhoids the first thing you need to do is stop constipation.
But if you have developed hemorrhoids, then you many need to use natural remedies to help you get relief from these as you work to stop constipation.
In some case, many of my clients allow their hemorrhoid condition to develop over many years.
When they have, their condition develops to a point where their doctors only recommend surgery, and then they get upset and really get concern.
It is at this point where they start to see if there are alternative ways to deal with their hemorrhoids.
This is the time that many of them come to me asking questions about alternative ways.
There are many different ways to deal with hemorrhoids and with constipation.
The approach you take or that which is recommended by your health practitioner depends on your history.
Most illnesses originate with unresolved personal issues that have cause a great deal of anxiety, depression, or negativity.
So the first place of attack would be dealing with these personal issues.
If you don't lessen their intensity, then it is difficult to heal the body, since this anxiety is a constant force creating inflammation and injury in the body.
Once you start working on your anxieties, you can work at the same time using natural remedies to stop constipation and to stop hemorrhoids.
Stopping constipation makes your bowel movement easier to pass without having to push and strain while having a bowel movement.
This straining is the cause of hemorrhoids since when you push during a bowel movement you increase the pressure in the veins in the rectum area.
And if you also have varicose veins straining during bowel movements is also the cause of this condition.
Of course both hemorrhoids and varicose veins are created by multiple causes and the lack of good nutrition creates weakness in the tissues, vein walls, and cells leading to these conditions.
But a start when dealing with hemorrhoids is to stop constipation.
To do this, you start with these natural suggestions.
Drink just a little more water then you normally do.
Add fiber to you morning meal and make your morning meal only fruits and fruit drinks.
Doing this activate peristaltic action during the morning hours.
Some people cannot eat fruit in the morning and if you are like that, then eat some yogurt or a small amount of high fiber cereal.
Eat plenty of vegetables with your lunch and dinner.
And as snacks use fruits, which contain plenty of fiber.
Lessen the use of process foods, since these foods do not have fiber and are difficult to move through your colon.
To alleviate hemorrhoids, you need to strengthen the veins in your rectum.
But if you have pain there you can start by using some natural creams.
Take plenty of Vitamin C, 2000 - 4000 mg per day.
Use a powder collegan to strengthen your tissue.
Use a product called NuvaprinHD which was formulated to strengthen the veins in your body.
There you have it, a few suggestions to help you stop constipation and to stop hemorrhoids.
Use more fiber in your diet and stop eating so much processed foods.
Increase your Vitamin C and start using Nuvaprin HD.