"All parts of the body which have a function, if used in moderation and exercise in labours in which each is accustomed, become thereby healthy, well-developed and age slowly, but if unused and left idle they become liable to disease, defective growth, and age quickly.
" Hippocrates Metabolic Syndrome represents a group of markers that increases your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other pathologic states.
People with the metabolic syndrome, have one and a half to three times the risk of getting cardiovascular disease compared to otherwise normal people.
If there is associated diabetes, the risk goes up many times more.
It is estimated by the American Heart Association, that 50 million American adults have it, and many of them don't even know it.
It is a true "silent epidemic.
" Unfortunately, an alarming number of children also suffer from this syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is present if there are three or more of the following abnormalities present in a person: abdominal obesity measured as a waist circumference more than 102 cm in men and more than 88 cm in women, raised triglycerides of more than 150 mg/dl, good HDL cholesterol levels of less than 40 mg/dl in men and less than 50 mg/dl in women, elevated blood pressure with readings more than 130/85 and raised plasma glucose of more than 110 mg/dl.
The International Diabetes Foundation however suggests different criteria for the waist circumference.
For people of European descent, the waist circumference is abnormal if it is more than 94 cm in men and more than 80 cm in women, for those of South Asian descent, men more than 90 cm and women more than 80 cm and for Japanese people, more than 85 cm for men and more than 90 cm for women.
The rest of the criteria remain the same.
You are at an increased risk of having metabolic syndrome if you are: Older: The older you are, the higher the risk of suffering from metabolic syndrome.
It affects almost 40% of the people who are in their 60s.
Ethnically Different: Hispanics, Native American or South Asian people are at a higher risk.
Obese: A body mass index (BMI) greater than 25 increases your risk of metabolic syndrome.
Apple shaped: Abdominal obesity increasing your waist circumference increases your chance of having metabolic syndrome.
Diabetes Prone: People with a family history of diabetes or with a history of diabetes during pregnancy are more likely to have metabolic syndrome.
Certain Diseases: If you have high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or polycystic ovary syndrome - your risk of metabolic syndrome is increased.
Gami and associates recently did a meta analysis of 37 studies on metabolic syndrome and reported their data in the Journal of the American College ofCardiology in 2007.
This study reviewed the results of clinical trials involving 172,573 people, and found a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular events and death in people with the metabolic syndrome.
This is not unexpected - data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 15,000 subjects showed that for each 1" increase in waist circumference, the risk for blood pressure increases by 10%, total cholesterol increases by 8%, triglycerides increase by 18%, and the good HDL decreases by 15%.
And these are all risk factors for cardiovascular disease and premature death.
Other heart deleterious abnormalities in patients with metabolic syndrome include an increase in the small dense highly utilizable bad LDL particles, increase in factors such as fibrinogen and PAI-1 which increase blood clotting, increased 5inflammation as measured by markers such as CRP and TNF-@, and decreased cardio protective adiponectin.
There is also an increase in other factors associated with an increased cardiovascular risk, namely increased homocysteine and uric acid, obstructive sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction.
Metabolic syndrome can be improved by making positive lifestyle changes.
These include: Lose Weight.
You can reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome and improve your health by losing as little as ten pounds.
Eat right and exercise more.
Increase Physical Activity.
Even light exercise helps.
Exercise for about 30 minutes most days of the week, and you will reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, control your weight, and reduce insulin resistance.
Lower Blood Pressure.
Physical activity and weight loss will also help reduce yourblood pressure.
Medications may be needed to bring your blood pressure under control.
Lower Cholesterol.
The bad LDL cholesterol can be reduced by a diet low in saturated fats and high in fiber.
Exercise can help increase your good HDL cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol-lowering medications may be prescribed by your doctor.
Stop Smoking.
Smoking is the number one preventable cause of heart disease.
You will decrease your risk for heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers by quitting smoking..
Eat Better: Eat more whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables.
These items are packed with dietary fiber, which can lower your insulin and cholesterol levels.
So check yourself in the mirror.
Are you an apple or a pear? Get a complete physical examination.
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of factors that can be altered, resulting in better health and a lesser risk of cardiovascular disease.
Remember, as Shakti Gawain said, "We always attract into our lives whatever we think about most, believe in most strongly, expect on the deepest level, and imagine most vividly.
" Hippocrates Metabolic Syndrome represents a group of markers that increases your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other pathologic states.
People with the metabolic syndrome, have one and a half to three times the risk of getting cardiovascular disease compared to otherwise normal people.
If there is associated diabetes, the risk goes up many times more.
It is estimated by the American Heart Association, that 50 million American adults have it, and many of them don't even know it.
It is a true "silent epidemic.
" Unfortunately, an alarming number of children also suffer from this syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is present if there are three or more of the following abnormalities present in a person: abdominal obesity measured as a waist circumference more than 102 cm in men and more than 88 cm in women, raised triglycerides of more than 150 mg/dl, good HDL cholesterol levels of less than 40 mg/dl in men and less than 50 mg/dl in women, elevated blood pressure with readings more than 130/85 and raised plasma glucose of more than 110 mg/dl.
The International Diabetes Foundation however suggests different criteria for the waist circumference.
For people of European descent, the waist circumference is abnormal if it is more than 94 cm in men and more than 80 cm in women, for those of South Asian descent, men more than 90 cm and women more than 80 cm and for Japanese people, more than 85 cm for men and more than 90 cm for women.
The rest of the criteria remain the same.
You are at an increased risk of having metabolic syndrome if you are: Older: The older you are, the higher the risk of suffering from metabolic syndrome.
It affects almost 40% of the people who are in their 60s.
Ethnically Different: Hispanics, Native American or South Asian people are at a higher risk.
Obese: A body mass index (BMI) greater than 25 increases your risk of metabolic syndrome.
Apple shaped: Abdominal obesity increasing your waist circumference increases your chance of having metabolic syndrome.
Diabetes Prone: People with a family history of diabetes or with a history of diabetes during pregnancy are more likely to have metabolic syndrome.
Certain Diseases: If you have high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or polycystic ovary syndrome - your risk of metabolic syndrome is increased.
Gami and associates recently did a meta analysis of 37 studies on metabolic syndrome and reported their data in the Journal of the American College ofCardiology in 2007.
This study reviewed the results of clinical trials involving 172,573 people, and found a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular events and death in people with the metabolic syndrome.
This is not unexpected - data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 15,000 subjects showed that for each 1" increase in waist circumference, the risk for blood pressure increases by 10%, total cholesterol increases by 8%, triglycerides increase by 18%, and the good HDL decreases by 15%.
And these are all risk factors for cardiovascular disease and premature death.
Other heart deleterious abnormalities in patients with metabolic syndrome include an increase in the small dense highly utilizable bad LDL particles, increase in factors such as fibrinogen and PAI-1 which increase blood clotting, increased 5inflammation as measured by markers such as CRP and TNF-@, and decreased cardio protective adiponectin.
There is also an increase in other factors associated with an increased cardiovascular risk, namely increased homocysteine and uric acid, obstructive sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction.
Metabolic syndrome can be improved by making positive lifestyle changes.
These include: Lose Weight.
You can reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome and improve your health by losing as little as ten pounds.
Eat right and exercise more.
Increase Physical Activity.
Even light exercise helps.
Exercise for about 30 minutes most days of the week, and you will reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, control your weight, and reduce insulin resistance.
Lower Blood Pressure.
Physical activity and weight loss will also help reduce yourblood pressure.
Medications may be needed to bring your blood pressure under control.
Lower Cholesterol.
The bad LDL cholesterol can be reduced by a diet low in saturated fats and high in fiber.
Exercise can help increase your good HDL cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol-lowering medications may be prescribed by your doctor.
Stop Smoking.
Smoking is the number one preventable cause of heart disease.
You will decrease your risk for heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers by quitting smoking..
Eat Better: Eat more whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables.
These items are packed with dietary fiber, which can lower your insulin and cholesterol levels.
So check yourself in the mirror.
Are you an apple or a pear? Get a complete physical examination.
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of factors that can be altered, resulting in better health and a lesser risk of cardiovascular disease.
Remember, as Shakti Gawain said, "We always attract into our lives whatever we think about most, believe in most strongly, expect on the deepest level, and imagine most vividly.