- 1). Use pruning sheers to cut away the infested leaves and twigs if you have only a few white flies. Dispose of the debris in plastic bags then tie shut. Leave the bags for the trash collector to take away. Disinfect the pruning shears before and after use so as to eliminate spreading disease.
- 2). Spray the tree with water to remove the sooty mold and dust. If the tree is outdoors, use a garden hose with a sprayer nozzle. If the orange tree in indoors, place it in the shower and turn the water on.
- 3). Mix 2 tbsp. peppermint soap and water in a multi-use hose-end sprayer. Spray the orange tree with this mixture to the point of runoff. Several applications may need to be applied.
- 4). Sprinkle a systemic tree and shrub care product around the roots of the orange tree and water it into the soil. Follow label directions for appropriate amounts.
- 5). Spray your plants with a pesticide or horticultural oil that is safe to use on orange trees. Talk to your local county extension agent or garden center professional for the right product for your particular tree and the best time to apply the product.
- 6). Encourage birds to the area where your orange trees are growing by hanging bird feeders or birdhouses in the area. Birds eat white flies and may offer a more natural method to controlling the pest.
- 7). Release natural predators into the area, including a wasp parasite, ladybird beetle, mired bugs, lady bugs and lacewing moths.